Lori Zorbaugh
1900 Normandie Drive
York, Pennsylvania
Phone: 717-764-6921
Fax: 1-413-228-4773
Records 101
Records - September 2017 Trial Results
Trial Result Codes |
Stake (#, 2NQ, Dis/DQ) - the first number indicates the number of hounds competing for points and determines the number of points awarded in that stake |
The numbers following indicate hounds which are non-qualifying, dismissed/disqualified and "NC" denotes those hounds that were absent, pulled before running the preliminary run, were excused or received an -0- during the prelininary run and do not count when calculating points. |
B = Best of Breed |
R = Runoff |
T = Tie |
E = Excused |
F = Runoff Forfeited |
(hound name) = hound is ineligible to be entered in that stake. Points/ placements remain the same for all other hounds in that stake. |
GAZEHOUNDS OF NEW ENGLAND Sep 02, 2017 Starkville, NY Entry: 70 Iron Dog Weekend |
MINNESOTA COURSING ASSOCIATION, Inc. Sep 02, 2017 Farmington, MN Entry: 45 Tally Ho Challenge |
OKI GAZEHOUND ORGANIZATION Sep 02, 2017 Yellow Springs, OH Entry: 35 |
ROCKY MOUNTAIN IRISH WOLFHOUND ASSOCIATION Sep 02, 2017 Cheyenne, WY Entry: 8 Irish Wolfhound Specialty |
UTAH SIGHTHOUND RACING & COURSING CLUB Sep 02, 2017 Fillmore, UT Entry: 16 Greyhound Specialty |
GAZEHOUNDS OF NEW ENGLAND Sep 03, 2017 Starkville, NY Entry: 51 Iron Dog Weekend |
MINNESOTA COURSING ASSOCIATION, Inc. Sep 03, 2017 Farmington, MN Entry: 46 Tally Ho Challenge |
OKI GAZEHOUND ORGANIZATION Sep 03, 2017 Yellow Springs, OH Entry: 30 |
UTAH SIGHTHOUND RACING & COURSING CLUB Sep 03, 2017 Fillmore, UT Entry: 6 Cirneco Caccia Classic |
GREYHOUND ASSOCIATION OF NORTH GEORGIA, Inc. Sep 04, 2017 Lexington, KY Entry: 37 |
GAZEHOUNDS OF NEW ENGLAND Sep 04, 2017 Starkville, NY Entry: 43 Iron Dog Weekend |
UTAH SIGHTHOUND RACING & COURSING CLUB Sep 04, 2017 Fillmore, UT Entry: 28 |
LAKE COUNTRY LURE COURSERS Sep 09, 2017 Lewiston, NY Entry: 31 |
WINDCHASERS LURE COURSING CLUB Sep 09, 2017 Hobart, IN Entry: 47 |
BASENJI CLUB OF AMERICA, Inc. Sep 10, 2017 Gray Summit, MO Entry: 28 Basenji National Specialty |
LAKE COUNTRY LURE COURSERS Sep 10, 2017 Lewiston, NY Entry: 25 |
WINDCHASERS LURE COURSING CLUB Sep 10, 2017 Hobart, IN Entry: 47 |
AFGHAN HOUND CLUB OF AMERICA Sep 11, 2017 Gray Summit, MO Entry: 21 Afghan Hound 81st National Specialty |
COLORADO LURE COURSING ASSOCIATION Sep 15, 2017 Peyton, CO Entry: 31 43rd Grand National |
COLORADO LURE COURSING ASSOCIATION Sep 16, 2017 Peyton, CO Entry: 19 43rd Grand National |
CAROLINA LURE COURSING SOCIETY Sep 16, 2017 Canon, GA Entry: 39 Region 7 Invitational |
IBIZAN HOUND CLUB OF THE UNITED STATES Sep 16, 2017 Gray Summit, MO Entry: 22 Ibizan Hound National Specialty |
SIGHT HOUND ORGANIZATION OF TIDEWATER Sep 16, 2017 Dendron, VA Entry: 31 Tidewater Challenge Trophy |
COLORADO LURE COURSING ASSOCIATION Sep 17, 2017 Peyton, CO Entry: 40 43rd Grand National |
CAROLINA LURE COURSING SOCIETY Sep 17, 2017 Canon, GA Entry: 38 |
CALIFORNIA COURSING ASSOCIATION Sep 23, 2017 Camarillo, CA Entry: 4 Silken Windhound Specialty |
CALIFORNIA COURSING ASSOCIATION Sep 23, 2017 Camarillo, CA Entry: 5 Italian Greyhound Specialty |
GREATER TWIN CITIES WHIPPET CLUB Sep 23, 2017 Farmington, MN Entry: 44 |
LORIAN AREA RACING KLUB Sep 23, 2017 Avon, OH Entry: 24 |
Lehigh Valley Coursing Club Sep 23, 2017 Ringoes, NJ Entry: 65 Region 8 2-day Invitational |
CALIFORNIA COURSING ASSOCIATION Sep 24, 2017 Camarillo, CA Entry: 4 Silken Windhound Specialty |
CALIFORNIA COURSING ASSOCIATION Sep 24, 2017 Camarillo, CA Entry: 5 Italian Greyhound Specialty |
GREATER TWIN CITIES WHIPPET CLUB Sep 24, 2017 Farmington, MN Entry: 35 |
LORIAN AREA RACING KLUB Sep 24, 2017 Avon, OH Entry: 20 |
Lehigh Valley Coursing Club Sep 24, 2017 Ringoes, NJ Entry: 50 Region 8 2-day Invitational |
MIDWEST COURSING CLUB Sep 30, 2017 Caledonia, WI Entry: 29 |
ROCKY MOUNTAIN COURSING CLUB Sep 30, 2017 Peyton, CO Entry: 27 |
ITALIAN GREYHOUND Judges: Jayme Jones, Lisa Voss |
Open Flight A(5, 2 NQ) |
1. (Dolce, Alfheim's Sogno d'Oro, G. & J.Behrens/A.& S.McLeod) |
2. Nina, IGRF's Little Miss Nina, MXS,MJS,MXF,T2B2,BCAT, G.& J.Behrens |
15 |
3. Bella Blues, Bella Blue IV, GRC,ORC, G.& J.Behrens |
10 |
Field Champion Flight A(2, 1 NQ) |
1. Coco, FC IGRF's Sogno di Cioccolata, FCh,SGRC11,SORC3,AX,AXJ, J.& G.Behrens |
B20 |
IRISH WOLFHOUND Judge: Jayme Jones |
Open Flight A(1, 1 NC) |
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Mary Crume, Lisa Voss |
Open Flight A(5, 1 NQ) |
1. MJ, FC Lileo's Smoke This, SC,GRC, J.Jones/L.Leone |
B20 |
2. Phlynn, FC DVS Swashbuckler of Lileo Springdown, RN,SC, J.Jones/J.Chrismam/D.Delmore |
15 |
3. Judah, Springdown Gold Fusion, SC, J.Jones/S.Robles |
10 |
4. Munchie, Lileo's Where The Grass Is Greener, J.Jones |
5 |
WHIPPET Judges: Al Crume, Lisa Voss |
Open Flight A(5, 1 NQ) |
1. Zenith, Hildidan's Magic Zenith, B.Moore |
R20 |
2. Flyck, Hildidan's Flyck Of Slick Magic, C.Gaiser |
15 |
3. Emoji, Hildidan's Mighty Magic Emoji, C.Gaiser |
10 |
4. Quip, Hildidan's Kinetic Magic!, C.Gaiser |
5 |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Roarke, FC Hildidan's Mighty Magic Roarke, FCh, C.Gaiser |
B20 |
No Best in Field |
AFGHAN HOUND Judge: Doug Berlin |
Field Champion Flight A(1, 1 NQ) |
AZAWAKH Judge: Tom Cigolle Jr |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Journey Man, Ch Ettebel Ajouren, CA, J.Martin |
B4 |
BASENJI Judge: Richard Whritenour |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Dharma, Borassus Bringing Home The Dharma, J.Cramer/D.Berlin |
B4 |
GALGO ESPAÑOL Judge: Charles Roberts |
Limited Flight A(1) |
1. Gunner, Uch Sahejeevs Lindisfarne Sonofagun, D.Murray |
4 |
GREYHOUND Judge: Tom Cigolle Jr |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Mia, Chesagrey Appassionata, SC, C.Lang/K.Whitacher |
B4 |
IBIZAN HOUND Judge: Tom Cigolle Jr |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Ivy, Abbaio Glitterati, M.Schnyder/S.Murphy |
R8 |
2. Liam, GCh,DC Abbaio Upper Echelon, SC, J.Thurlow/S.Murphy |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(5) |
1. Finn, Ch Icycold Infinity 2The3rd Power, FCh, R.Davis/K.Catt |
B20 |
2. Ensign, Can DC IcyCold Thirdmate, FCh,FC, Dr.K.Catt-Marshall/S.Marshall |
15 |
3. Hurry, Can Ch IcyCold Every Second Counts, FCh, Dr K.Catt/S.Marshall |
10 |
4. MeMe, Can DC Icy Cold Take A Second Look At Me, FCh, Dr K.Catt/S.Marshall |
5 |
N. Hesus, CKC DC Icy Cold Second Coming, Dr.K.Katt/S.A.Marshall |
PHARAOH HOUND Judge: Doug Berlin |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Shelby, NFC,GCh,DC Dsrtphnx Hallam Sweet Child O Mine, SC,NA,OAJ, Terra/Magni/Carota/Williams |
B12 |
Field Champion Flight A(3, 2 NQ) |
1. Syrena, Ch Bija's Kamaraj Syrena, FCh,SC,RATI, M.Moore/G.Pegram |
R12 |
Veteran Flight A(2) |
1. Hera, Hallam's Gysai Hera, FCh, L.Terra/A.Magni |
F8 |
2. Titan, DC Kamaraj Achilles Titan Th-e-Brod, FCh,MC, B.& M.Brodeur |
6 |
PORTUGUESE PODENGO Judge: Charles Roberts |
Limited Flight A(1) |
1. Bella, Belle Chance, RA,BN,SC,CA,CD,CGC, J.Miller |
4 |
Open Flight A(4, 1 NQ) |
1. Zella, Shabani's Zany Zella Of Rocky Ridge, Cote/Telushin/Johnson/Stammel |
F16 |
2. Steffi, Steffi Sthira Of Benridge, J.Cramer/D.Berlin |
12 |
3. Zorro, Tophat's Don Diego, S.& C.Leslie |
8 |
Field Champion Flight A(2) |
1. Chrissy, FC Benridge Aces My Heart, LCM,SC,NA, J.Cramer/D.Berlin |
B8 |
2. PJ, FC Benridge's Peace of My Heart, LCM2,SC, J.Cramer/D.Berlin |
6 |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Rikki, DC Tophat's Rockn Rolling Hoochie Koo At Springvalley, FCh,SC, S.A.& C.Leslie |
F4 |
SALUKI Judge: Doug Berlin |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Leelah, Ch Gemini Jubilee Nephelae, RN, D.Johnson/G.Hofflman |
F4 |
Field Champion Flight A(2) |
1. Zydeco, Ch Aspen's Zydeco Zip, FCh,CA,SC, D.Johnson/G.Hoffman |
B8 |
2. Adios, FC Adios, FCh, E.Johnston |
6 |
SINGLES Judge: Richard Whritenour |
Single Flight A(9, 3 NQ) |
1. Glacier, Shadow Run Cascadian Blue Glacier, J.& M.Koski |
36 |
2. Summer, Laurel Chase Summer Breeze, L.Clute |
27 |
3. Kitty, Ch Glamor Kat, E.Johnston |
18 |
4. Julia, Kindred's Pretty Woman, M.Barrett |
9 |
N. Cooper, Kindred's Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, M.Barrett |
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judge: Richard Whritenour |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Kamiah, ISWS Ch,NAKC Ch Allagante Rvnwoods It'se Ye Ye, FCh,SRC,OTRCH,ISWS LCM, J.Koski |
B4 |
WHIPPET Judge: Charles Roberts |
Open Flight A(13, 1 NQ) |
1. Brag, Hyflyte Show Off, H.Fergusen |
B40 |
2. Leveret, Merci Isle Rhythm Of The Night, H.Frank/I.& J.Kimmelman |
30 |
3. Oksana, Vrymeer Soliloquy, E.& P.Holland/L.Rusticus |
20 |
4. LeBronze, Ch Surrey Hill Mariner Butter Off In Cleveland, SC, M.Mortin/D.Hursh |
10 |
N. Minnie, Jezebelle's Mighty Minnie, C.Pazien |
Field Champion Flight A(13) |
1. Eden, Merci Isle Paradise Garden, FCh, I.& J.Kimmelman |
F40 |
2. Gimlet, Snow Hill Gimlet Of Monarch, LCM,SC, D.Murray |
30 |
3. Righty, DC Cali's Right On Red For Hound Hill, FCh,SC, C.Miller |
20 |
4. Tickle, FC Indigo Sweetwood Charged Particle, SC,CR,CGC, P.Obelcz |
10 |
N. Cheers, Hyflyte Standing Ovation, H.Ferguson |
Veteran Flight A(5, 1 NQ) |
1. Vita, GCh Ableaim Quick Pick, E.Rogers/D.Lynch |
F20 |
2. Song, Kindred Night Music, SC, B.Malick |
15 |
3. Dale, Can Ch Shamasan Devonair's Dale, LCM,NAJ,NAP, H.& E.Dansereau |
10 |
4. Charlie, Ocean's Sail Away, FCh, E.Holland |
5 |
No Best in Field |
AFGHAN HOUND Judges: Ping Pirrung, Kent Standerford |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Komo, Komar's Smok'N Gun, SC,CA,CGC, J.Callaghan |
B4 |
BASENJI Judges: Ping Pirrung, Kent Standerford |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Pepper, Flutesong's Isn't She Lovely, C. & S.Weisdorf |
B8 |
2. Ruby, Flutesong's She's Royal, C.& S.Weisdorf |
6 |
IRISH WOLFHOUND Judges: Ping Pirrung, Kent Standerford |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Ravensara, Rockhart Yesterday's Ravensara Of Tresmorn, B.Renstrom |
B4 |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz, Kent Standerford |
Open Flight A(5, 1 NQ) |
1. Libby, Azize's Liberty Queen, R.L.Marvin |
R20 |
2. Amy, Ridgerunrs Sweeter Than Honey, R.Keller Jr/B.Schmidt |
15 |
3. Bayden, Ch Talyor Made Out Of McKenzie Two, SC, B.& T.Moodhart |
10 |
4. Perry, FC Taylor Made Out Of Carolina, SC,RN,BN,OA,OAJ, B.& T.Moodhart |
5 |
Field Champion Flight A(6) |
1. Nox, Taylor Made Nights Watch, C.& J.Landowski |
B24 |
2. Xena, DC Azize's Warrior Princess of Mendocino, SC, T.& W.Olson |
18 |
3. Micah, Taylor Made Out of McKenzie, SC, B. & T.Moodhart |
12 |
4. Kingsley, DC Taylormade King Of Hearts, SC, K.Fennig |
6 |
N. Barth, Boondocks Lionhounds Bartholomue, FCh, G.Aslandi |
SINGLES Judges: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz, Ping Pirrung |
Single Flight A(3) |
1. Felix, Sporting Fileds Dashing Line In The Sand, K.& P. Krahn/D.& G.Samuelson |
12 |
2. Earl, Ridgerunrs Duke Of Earl, R.Keller Jr/B.Schmidt |
9 |
3. Bruno, TSU Lionhound Mister Bruno, G.Aslanidi |
6 |
WHIPPET Judges: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz, Kent Standerford |
Open Flight A(9) |
1. Finn, Tru-Luv's The Final Moment, J.Liscombe/L.Rice |
F36 |
2. Olivia, Tru-Luv's Living In The Moment, L.Rice |
27 |
3. Reo, Tru-Luv's REO Speedwagon, L.Rice |
18 |
4. Ripples, Northwind's Making Waves, I.Mullauer/K.Nierengarten |
9 |
N. Cookie, Ch Affinity's She's One Smart Cookie, N.Schouveller |
Field Champion Flight A(14) |
1. Blew, Tru-Luv's Blew By You, FCh, L.Rice |
B40 |
2. Ruthless, Longrun's Dragonheart O'Swiftcreek, A.Whitney |
30 |
3. Nelson, Affinity's Redneck Revival, FCh, C.Juelfs/A.& C.Rogers |
20 |
4. Billy Bob, GCh Affinity's I Got The Will, C.& A.Rogers/C.Juelfs |
10 |
N. Relish, Tadita N Tru-Luv's Enjoying The Ride, FCh, J.Liscombe/M.Libersher |
Veteran Flight A(4) |
1. Stryker, Finghin Owrun's Noisy Cricket, LCM4, D.Duffert |
+R16 |
2. Max, Dashing Hells Belles, FCh,PR,TRP, J.& B.Johnson |
12 |
3. Amber, Atlas Vale Of White Horse, FCh, M.,K. & T.Weigel |
8 |
4. Charlee, Northwind Charlee's Pride, FCh, B.Myers |
4 |
No Best in Field |
BASENJI Judges: Steven Artley, Paul Kytta II |
Field Champion Flight A(3) |
1. Chilly, GCh,DC,Can Ch Borassus Hot.Cool.Yours., LCM3,SC,CA,RATN, K.Sanders |
B12 |
2. Henna, GCh,Can Ch Borassus Who's Your Hot Shot, LCM,CA,SC, K.Sanders |
9 |
3. Taziri, DC Joy-Us Hung The Moon, FCh,SC,ORC,GRC,VB, T.Colbert |
6 |
Veteran Flight A(4, 1 NQ) |
1. Searsha, GCh,DC N'Focus Santa Baby, LCM5,MC,GRC,JOR,VB,LCX, K.Sanders |
F16 |
2. Ari, GCh,DC Jadaka's Independent Spirit, LCM,CPX,SC,SGRC5,SORC7, T.Colbert |
12 |
3. Zuri, GCh,DC Jerlin's Our Zuri Pupin, LCM,VLCM6,MC,SGRC3,LCX, T.Colbert |
8 |
BORZOI Judge: Paul Kytta II |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Dawn, Kirov Windrift Fly Above Tahoe, K.Artley |
B8 |
2. Joe, Ch Hemlock Hollow Aruzia Journey To Tahoe, RN, S.& K.Artley |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(2, 1 NC) |
1. Bayla, FC Starswift Teine FV Vixen, SC,FCh, A.Hopple/A.Midgarden |
R4 |
IBIZAN HOUND Judges: Paul Kytta II, Kathy Sanders |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Dylan, GCh,Can DC Gryphons Mr Tambourine Man, LCM2,VFCh, H.Hamilton/J.Coltrane |
B4 |
IRISH WOLFHOUND Judges: Paul Kytta II, Kathy Sanders |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Gyda, Lady Gyda Jeraz Of Odin Ridge Wolves, Z.Willis |
B4 |
PHARAOH HOUND Judge: Steven Artley |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Phaiza, Charmedwons Glorious Phuture, A.& J.Hammer/J.Gwin |
R4 |
Field Champion Flight A(2) |
1. Precious, Churuka Mirare Le Diable Rouge, FCh, G.& B.Breitbach/T.Harper/L.Witt |
B8 |
2. Najja, GCh Sharqiya Who Dares Wins, SC, A.Hamilton/E.Kerridge |
6 |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Steven Artley, Kathy Sanders |
Open Flight A(3) |
1. Murry, Ashosi's Red Heather, J.Sowers-Lipp |
F12 |
2. Zayin, Venus" Zayin Lucky Seven By Zoli, J.& C.Slattery |
9 |
3. Barbie, GCh Ashosi Midnight Rd, SC,CGC, D.Knoth |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(3) |
1. Moshi, Imarika's Smokey Topaz, FCh, B.A.Dieckman |
B12 |
2. Sojie, DC Diamonds Sojourner Veritas Lionridge, LCM2,MC,LCX2,TDI,CGC, D.& V.O'Neill |
9 |
3. Voodoo, DC Highveld's Black Magic Of Imarika, LCM6,MC,GRC,SOR,ORC, G.& P.Kytta II |
6 |
SINGLES Judge: Paul Kytta II |
Single Flight A(5, 1 NQ) |
1. Hamilton, Graybeard's Hamilton, A.Opoka |
20 |
2. Spider, Longrun's Rules Don't Apply @ Emerald, Dr.A.Sowders |
15 |
3. Dash, Sur-Ra Zaari Al Sahed, E.Christon |
10 |
4. Banh Mi, DC Taji's Banh Mi On the Runway to Bluenote, LCM,SC, Hamilton/Campbell/Kim/Farnsworth |
5 |
WHIPPET Judge: Steven Artley |
Open Flight A(5, 1 NQ) |
1. Shilo, Vic's I Believe You'll Never Walk Alone, S.& P.Bea |
B20 |
2. Jasper, Rantina's Jasper N Emerald, Dr.A.Sowders/S.Solo |
15 |
3. Durbin, Wildabout Infinite Dreamer, V.Smith |
10 |
4. Kazoom, Panache Above The Rest At Diablessse, M.A.Mattingly/P.Spinazzola |
5 |
Field Champion Flight A(2) |
1. Cheddar, Debmar Caught Redhanded @ Emerald, FCh, Dr.A.Sowders/D.Bahm |
R8 |
2. Cricket, Debmar Too Hot To Handle @ Emerald, Dr. A.Sowders/D.Bahm |
6 |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Cruiser, Uch Wildwood's All Four On The Floor, FCh,SC, M.A.Mattingly |
R4 |
BEST IN FIELD Judge: Kathy Sanders |
WH Shilo, Vic's I Believe You'll Never Walk Alone, S.& P.Bea |
BIF (76) |
RR Moshi, Imarika's Smokey Topaz, FCh, B.A.Dieckman |
-75 |
IRISH WOLFHOUND Judges: Frank Cassano, Claudia Miller |
Open Flight A(5) |
1. Kline, Winterdream Kline Of Pinehurst, K.Catov-Goodell |
B20 |
2. Essie, Pinehurst Essie, K.Catov-Goodell |
15 |
3. Kaviar, Ch Winterdream Kaviar Of Pinehurst, K.Catov-Goodell/M.Ryan/K.Surdal |
10 |
4. Bailey, Bailey aus dem Kemptener Wald, G. & H.M.Ruedenauer |
5 |
N. Maggy, Miranda von der Saalmishle, G.Ruedenauer |
Field Champion Flight A(2) |
1. Woopie, Ch Franjo Pearla Dubh At Aeroglen, FCh,RA,GRC,RATI, J.Bryson/M.& L.Walker |
F8 |
2. Meara, Franjo Meara Mear Of River Bend, M.& W.Perry/M.& L.Walker |
6 |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Marigold, DC Tralen's Merry Gold Purl, LCM,GRC,SC, T.& L.Luty |
F4 |
GREYHOUND Judges: Jennifer Gysler, Dean Wright |
Open Flight A(8, 1 NQ, 1 DIS) |
1. Chloe, Courtney, W.Martin/C.Guinn |
R32 |
2. Gypzie, NFC,FC Windrock Tid-Bittius Velocitus, SC, S.Aberton/K.Fritzler |
24 |
3. Fearless, Windrock Nothing Comes Close, K.& C.Fritzler |
16 |
4. Jasmine, Aryal Aroi Artist Proof, K.& C.Fritzler |
8 |
N. Billlie, Windrock Mountain Music, K.& C.Fritzler |
DIS. Star, Lost In The Stars, W.Martin/C.Guinn |
Field Champion Flight A(5) |
1. Sonic, DC Windrock Batoutahellius, FCh,MC,LCX, F.Burnham |
B32 |
2. Strider, FC Windrock Hot-Roddicus Supersonicus, FCh,SC, K.& C. Fritzler |
15 |
3. Scorch, Windrock Accelerattii Incredibus, K.& C.Fritzler |
10 |
4. Wile, Windrock Ultra-Sonicus Ad Infinitum, K.& C.Fritzler |
5 |
N. Danica, FC Windrock Born To Run, FCh,SC, K.& C.Fritzler |
Veteran Flight A(2) |
1. Mayzie, DC,UKC Ch Windrock Queen of Diamonds, FCh,SC, S.Aberton/K.Fritzler |
F8 |
2. CJ, GCh,DC Windrock Calamity Jane, FCh,SC, K.& C.Fritzler |
6 |
SINGLES Judges: Jennifer Gysler, Dean Wright |
Single Flight A(1) |
1. Darcy, Snow Patrol, K.Fritzler |
4 |
No Best in Field |
BASENJI Judge: Tom Cigolle Jr |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Dharma, Borassus Bringing Home The Dharma, J.Cramer/D.Berlin |
B4 |
GALGO ESPAÑOL Judge: Doug Berlin |
Limited Flight A(1) |
1. Gunner, Uch Sahejeevs Lindisfarne Sonofagun, D.Murray |
4 |
GREYHOUND Judge: Charles Roberts |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Mabel, Ch Mariki's Bluemoon Sunbeam Mabley At Saranan, M.Dygert/M.Bertolli |
B4 |
IBIZAN HOUND Judge: Richard Whritenour |
Field Champion Flight A(5) |
1. MeMe, Can DC Icy Cold Take A Second Look At Me, FCh, Dr K.Catt/S.Marshall |
B20 |
2. Ensign, Can DC IcyCold Thirdmate, FCh,FC, Dr.K.Catt-Marshall/S.Marshall |
15 |
3. Hurry, Can Ch IcyCold Every Second Counts, FCh, Dr K.Catt/S.Marshall |
10 |
4. Finn, Ch Icycold Infinity 2The3rd Power, FCh, R.Davis/K.Catt |
5 |
N. Hesus, CKC DC Icy Cold Second Coming, Dr.K.Katt/S.A.Marshall |
PHARAOH HOUND Judge: Richard Whritenour |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Shelby, NFC,GCh,DC Dsrtphnx Hallam Sweet Child O Mine, SC,NA,OAJ, Terra/Magni/Carota/Williams |
R4 |
Field Champion Flight A(3) |
1. (Kayla, DC Hallam Sovrin Kayla, SC, D.Carota/S.Sipperly) |
2. (Kipp, DC Antefa's Wallam Hallam, SC, D.Carota/S.Sipperly/Lundquist) |
3. Syrena, Ch Bija's Kamaraj Syrena, FCh,SC,RATI, M.Moore/G.Pegram |
6 |
Veteran Flight A(2) |
1. Titan, DC Kamaraj Achilles Titan Th-e-Brod, FCh,MC, B.& M.Brodeur |
F8 |
2. Zahra, DC Lukor Mas-Re Al-Zahra, FCh,VFCh,MC,CGC,RATN, M.Moore |
6 |
Invalid Stake Best of Breed |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judge: Charles Roberts |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Steffi, Steffi Sthira Of Benridge, J.Cramer/D.Berlin |
F8 |
2. Zorro, Tophat's Don Diego, S.& C.Leslie |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(2) |
1. PJ, FC Benridge's Peace of My Heart, LCM2,SC, J.Cramer/D.Berlin |
B8 |
2. Chrissy, FC Benridge Aces My Heart, LCM,SC,NA, J.Cramer/D.Berlin |
6 |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Rikki, DC Tophat's Rockn Rolling Hoochie Koo At Springvalley, FCh,SC, S.A.& C.Leslie |
F4 |
SALUKI Judge: Charles Roberts |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Leelah, Ch Gemini Jubilee Nephelae, RN, D.Johnson/G.Hofflman |
F4 |
Field Champion Flight A(2) |
1. Adios, FC Adios, FCh, E.Johnston |
B8 |
2. Zydeco, Ch Aspen's Zydeco Zip, FCh,CA,SC, D.Johnson/G.Hoffman |
6 |
SINGLES Judge: Doug Berlin |
Single Flight A(4, 1 NQ, 1 NC) |
1. Julia, Kindred's Pretty Woman, M.Barrett |
12 |
2. Kitty, Ch Glamor Kat, E.Johnston |
9 |
WHIPPET Judge: Tom Cigolle Jr |
Open Flight A(11, 1 NC) |
1. Brag, Hyflyte Show Off, H.Fergusen |
B40 |
2. Leveret, Merci Isle Rhythm Of The Night, H.Frank/I.& J.Kimmelman |
30 |
3. Teddy, Merci Isle Fall Finery, C.Potter |
20 |
4. Gale, Ragapple Lady Throws The Gauntlet, A.Mark |
10 |
N. LeBronze, Ch Surrey Hill Mariner Butter Off In Cleveland, SC, M.Mortin/D.Hursh |
Field Champion Flight A(10) |
1. Tickle, FC Indigo Sweetwood Charged Particle, SC,CR,CGC, P.Obelcz |
R40 |
2. Cooper, Ch Festiva's Twisted Justice, S.Pollard |
30 |
3. Eli, ShannonDown If I Can Dream, J.Courtmanche |
20 |
4. Talos, FC Ragapple Radar Missile, FCh,ORC, A.Mark |
10 |
N. Indy, Ch Artemis Mood Indigo, FCh, D.Hursh/M.Mortin/L.Kieffer |
Veteran Flight A(4, 1 NQ) |
1. Song, Kindred Night Music, SC, B.Malick |
F16 |
2. Vita, GCh Ableaim Quick Pick, E.Rogers/D.Lynch |
12 |
3. Dale, Can Ch Shamasan Devonair's Dale, LCM,NAJ,NAP, H.& E.Dansereau |
8 |
No Best in Field |
BASENJI Judges: Ping Pirrung, Kent Standerford |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Pepper, Flutesong's Isn't She Lovely, C. & S.Weisdorf |
B8 |
2. Ruby, Flutesong's She's Royal, C.& S.Weisdorf |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Freyja, Flutesong's She's Everything, D.& T.Magnan |
R4 |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Osiris, Flutesong's Day Tripper, LCM, D.& T.Magnan |
R4 |
GREYHOUND Judges: Ping Pirrung, Kent Standerford |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Emi, Ard Ri's Emi Reatha Cu, K.Brockway |
B4 |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz, Ping Pirrung |
Open Flight A(5, 1 NQ) |
1. Amy, Ridgerunrs Sweeter Than Honey, R.Keller Jr/B.Schmidt |
B24 |
2. Libby, Azize's Liberty Queen, R.L.Marvin |
15 |
3. Bayden, Ch Talyor Made Out Of McKenzie Two, SC, B.& T.Moodhart |
10 |
4. Perry, FC Taylor Made Out Of Carolina, SC,RN,BN,OA,OAJ, B.& T.Moodhart |
5 |
Field Champion Flight A(6) |
1. Nox, Taylor Made Nights Watch, C.& J.Landowski |
R24 |
2. Xena, DC Azize's Warrior Princess of Mendocino, SC, T.& W.Olson |
18 |
3. Kingsley, DC Taylormade King Of Hearts, SC, K.Fennig |
12 |
4. Micah, Taylor Made Out of McKenzie, SC, B. & T.Moodhart |
6 |
N. McKenzie, DC Taylor Made Out of Savvy, LCM2,SC,RN,MX,MXJ,OF,VCX, B.& T.Moodhart |
SINGLES Judges: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz, Ping Pirrung |
Single Flight A(4) |
1. Dasher, Affinity Oh Dasher Deer, T.& M.Briggs |
16 |
2. Fletcher, Ard Ri's Fletcher Crow Boy, K.Brockway |
12 |
3. Earl, Ridgerunrs Duke Of Earl, R.Keller Jr/B.Schmidt |
8 |
4. Bruno, TSU Lionhound Mister Bruno, G.Aslanidi |
4 |
WHIPPET Judges: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz, Ping Pirrung |
Open Flight A(10, 1 NQ) |
1. Olivia, Tru-Luv's Living In The Moment, L.Rice |
B40 |
2. Finn, Tru-Luv's The Final Moment, J.Liscombe/L.Rice |
30 |
3. Katie, Affinity's Fearless, TCP, M.& K. Weigel |
20 |
4. D.D.Verni, Nonstopp Wildhearts Gasoline Dream, J.& D.Kunze |
10 |
N. Chip, Northwind's Frito Bandito, TCP, S.& T.DePottey/K.Nierengarten |
Field Champion Flight A(12) |
1. Winnie, Finghin's Winsome Pirate Grrl, FCh, C.Canard |
+R40 |
2. Abel, Shamasan Stars Go Blue At Swiftcreek, A.Whitney/M.Armstron |
30 |
3. Ruthless, Longrun's Dragonheart O'Swiftcreek, A.Whitney |
20 |
4. Nelson, Affinity's Redneck Revival, FCh, C.Juelfs/A.& C.Rogers |
10 |
N. Honey Bear, Wylie Cogshall You Can Call Me Honey Bear, D.Duffert |
Veteran Flight A(4, 2 NQ) |
1. Stryker, Finghin Owrun's Noisy Cricket, LCM4, D.Duffert |
R16 |
2. Conall, Finghin's Celtic Legacy Of Kirkham, LCM2, M.& K.Standerford |
12 |
No Best in Field |
BASENJI Judge: Steven Artley |
Field Champion Flight A(3) |
1. Henna, GCh,Can Ch Borassus Who's Your Hot Shot, LCM,CA,SC, K.Sanders |
B12 |
2. Chilly, GCh,DC,Can Ch Borassus Hot.Cool.Yours., LCM3,SC,CA,RATN, K.Sanders |
9 |
3. Taziri, DC Joy-Us Hung The Moon, FCh,SC,ORC,GRC,VB, T.Colbert |
6 |
Veteran Flight A(4, 1 NQ) |
1. Searsha, GCh,DC N'Focus Santa Baby, LCM5,MC,GRC,JOR,VB,LCX, K.Sanders |
F16 |
2. Ari, GCh,DC Jadaka's Independent Spirit, LCM,CPX,SC,SGRC5,SORC7, T.Colbert |
12 |
3. Zuri, GCh,DC Jerlin's Our Zuri Pupin, LCM,VLCM6,MC,SGRC3,LCX, T.Colbert |
8 |
BORZOI Judge: Holly Hamilton |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Ace, Kirov Windrift Flying Ace O'Tahoe, SC, S.& A.Artley |
B8 |
2. Dawn, Kirov Windrift Fly Above Tahoe, K.Artley |
6 |
IBIZAN HOUND Judge: Kathy Sanders |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Dylan, GCh,Can DC Gryphons Mr Tambourine Man, LCM2,VFCh, H.Hamilton/J.Coltrane |
B4 |
IRISH WOLFHOUND Judge: Kathy Sanders |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. River, Ch Glor Na Gael Ee-Mer, J.& S.Greer |
B8 |
2. Flanna, Renwyck Goodness Knows, J.& R.Brenneman/J.Knobbe |
6 |
PHARAOH HOUND Judge: Kathy Sanders |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Phaiza, Charmedwons Glorious Phuture, A.& J.Hammer/J.Gwin |
R4 |
Field Champion Flight A(2) |
1. Precious, Churuka Mirare Le Diable Rouge, FCh, G.& B.Breitbach/T.Harper/L.Witt |
B8 |
2. Najja, GCh Sharqiya Who Dares Wins, SC, A.Hamilton/E.Kerridge |
6 |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Holly Hamilton, Kathy Sanders |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Murry, Ashosi's Red Heather, J.Sowers-Lipp |
F8 |
2. Barbie, GCh Ashosi Midnight Rd, SC,CGC, D.Knoth |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(3) |
1. Moshi, Imarika's Smokey Topaz, B.A.Dieckman |
B12 |
2. Voodoo, DC Highveld's Black Magic Of Imarika, LCM6,MC,GRC,SOR,ORC, G.& P.Kytta II |
9 |
3. Sojie, DC Diamonds Sojourner Veritas Lionridge, LCM2,MC,LCX2,TDI,CGC, D.& V.O'Neill |
6 |
SINGLES Judge: Steven Artley |
Single Flight A(3) |
1. Spider, Longrun's Rules Don't Apply @ Emerald, Dr.A.Sowders |
12 |
2. Dash, Sur-Ra Zaari Al Sahed, E.Christon |
9 |
3. Banh Mi, DC Taji's Banh Mi On the Runway to Bluenote, LCM,SC, Hamilton/Campbell/Kim/Farnsworth |
6 |
WHIPPET Judges: Paul Kytta II, Kathy Sanders |
Open Flight A(3) |
1. Story, Fallowfield The Silent Story, Dr.C.Brunkow |
B12 |
2. Jasper, Rantina's Jasper N Emerald, Dr.A.Sowders/S.Solo |
9 |
3. Kazoom, Panache Above The Rest At Diablessse, M.A.Mattingly/P.Spinazzola |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(2) |
1. Reason, Ch Festiva's No Reason, FCh, A.Sowders DVM/K.Riney |
R8 |
2. Cheddar, Debmar Caught Redhanded @ Emerald, Dr.A.Sowders/D.Bahm |
6 |
Veteran Flight A(2) |
1. Ginny, FC Fallowfield Dreamin' Out Loud, LCM,SC, C.Brunkow DVM |
F8 |
2. Cruiser, Uch Wildwood's All Four On The Floor, FCh,SC, M.A.Mattingly |
6 |
No Best in Field |
CIRNECO DELL'ETNA Judges: Jennifer Gysler, Dean Wright |
Open Flight A(5, 1 NQ) |
1. Dexter, Riali I Debonair Dexter, D.& L.Myers |
R20 |
2. Phoenix, Ch Fly By Night D'Lea, J.Gates/P.Qualls |
15 |
3. Dar'in, Dare To Dream d'Lea, J.Gates/P.Qualls |
10 |
4. Vento, FC Colisto's Vento, SC, J.Hale/N.L.Wight |
5 |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Angel, Rockin'Hearts Angel Kisses, FCh, L.Myers |
B20 |
BASENJI Judge: Laurie Soutar |
Field Champion Flight A(3, 1 NQ) |
1. Taziri, DC Joy-Us Hung The Moon, FCh,SC,ORC,GRC,VB, T.Colbert |
F12 |
2. Ari, GCh,DC Jadaka's Independent Spirit, LCM,CPX,SC,SGRC5,SORC7, T.Colbert |
9 |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Zuri, GCh,DC Jerlin's Our Zuri Pupin, LCM,VLCM6,MC,SGRC3,LCX, T.Colbert |
B4 |
BORZOI Judge: Laurie Soutar |
Open Flight A(3) |
1. Lars, K-C's Enter Sandman, K.& D.Parks |
B12 |
2. Believe, Windsheer K-C Don't Stop Believin', D.& K.Parks/L.Lanier |
9 |
3. Wheels, Ch K-C Windsheer Wheel In The Sky, SC, D.& K.Parks/L.Lanier |
6 |
GREYHOUND Judge: Jan Swayze-Curry |
Open Flight A(4) |
1. Tull, Lakilanni Thick As A Brick, L.Soutar |
B16 |
2. Sunspot, Lakilanni Sunsport Baby, S.Poper |
12 |
3. Buck, Lakilanni Buck's Hot Rod, K.Kaltenborn |
8 |
4. Dave, Lakilanni Livin' On Adrenaline, K.Kaltenborn |
4 |
Field Champion Flight A(2, 1 NQ) |
1. Lincoln, Lakilanni Hot Rod Lincoln, L.Soutar |
F8 |
IRISH WOLFHOUND Judge: Jan Swayze-Curry |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. River, Ch Glor Na Gael Ee-Mer, J.& S.Greer |
B8 |
2. Flanna, Renwyck Goodness Knows, J.& R.Brenneman/J.Knobbe |
6 |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judge: Jan Swayze-Curry |
Open Flight A(6) |
1. Zayin, Venus" Zayin Lucky Seven By Zoli, J.& C.Slattery |
R24 |
2. 6xx, Venus' Zero Dark Thirty, D.& K.Parks |
18 |
3. Sara, RoccRidge's Spice Of Life, M.& K.Stewart |
12 |
4. Scrappy CoCo, Venus' You Don't Mess With The Zohan, D. & K.Parks |
6 |
N. Double Tap, Venus' Zombieland Rule Number Two, D.& K.Parks |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Zoli, DC Venus' Zoli Safari Express 12, LCM3,SC, J.& C.Slattery/D.Parks |
B24 |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Turner, FC Seidach's Turn Up The Volumn, LCM3,VLCM2,MC,TDI,CGC, D.Parks/J.& C.Slattery |
F4 |
SALUKI Judge: Jan Swayze-Curry |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Nevi, Hawksview's Zoomin' Out Of Nevada, V.R.Olive/S.Olive |
B4 |
SINGLES Judge: Katie Kaltenborn |
Single Flight A(1) |
1. Raisen, Mia Comet Sun Maid, CPX2, L.Pekarski/P.& T.Haig DVM |
4 |
WHIPPET Judges: Katie Kaltenborn, Laurie Soutar |
Open Flight A(10, 2 NQ, 1 NC) |
1. Clark, Longrun's Man of Steel At Longlesson, T.& P.Haig/Longlesson Knl |
B36 |
2. Phoebe, Sportingfields Simply Wenrick, D.Snyder/J.& L.Garcini |
27 |
3. Mystic, Rantina Longlesson Mystic Topaz, S.Salo/Longlesson Knl |
18 |
4. Brooks, DC Longlesson Indian Summer, SC, Longlesson Knl/S.Salo |
9 |
N. Midnight, Rantina Woodsia Longlesson Midnight Express, S.Salo/S.Rosenbeck/Longlesson Kn |
Veteran Flight A(2) |
1. Bravo, Mia's Comet Bravo Ole, LCM4, P. & T.Haig DVM |
F8 |
2. Boomer, Comets Just Shoot Me at Mia, LCM2, T.Haig DVM/P.Haig/Pekarski/Peak |
6 |
No Best in Field |
BASENJI Judge: Charles Roberts |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Dharma, Borassus Bringing Home The Dharma, J.Cramer/D.Berlin |
B4 |
GALGO ESPAÑOL Judge: Tom Cigolle Jr |
Limited Flight A(1) |
1. Gunner, Uch Sahejeevs Lindisfarne Sonofagun, D.Murray |
4 |
IBIZAN HOUND Judge: Doug Berlin |
Field Champion Flight A(5) |
1. MeMe, Can DC Icy Cold Take A Second Look At Me, FCh, Dr K.Catt/S.Marshall |
B20 |
2. Finn, Ch Icycold Infinity 2The3rd Power, FCh, R.Davis/K.Catt |
15 |
3. Hurry, Can Ch IcyCold Every Second Counts, FCh, Dr K.Catt/S.Marshall |
10 |
4. Ensign, Can DC IcyCold Thirdmate, FCh,FC, Dr.K.Catt-Marshall/S.Marshall |
5 |
N. Hesus, CKC DC Icy Cold Second Coming, Dr.K.Katt/S.A.Marshall |
PHARAOH HOUND Judge: Doug Berlin |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Shelby, NFC,GCh,DC Dsrtphnx Hallam Sweet Child O Mine, SC,NA,OAJ, Terra/Magni/Carota/Williams |
B4 |
Field Champion Flight A(2) |
1. (Kipp, DC Antefa's Wallam Hallam, SC, D.Carota/S.Sipperly/Lundquist) |
2. (Kayla, DC Hallam Sovrin Kayla, SC, D.Carota/S.Sipperly) |
Veteran Flight A(2) |
1. Hera, Hallam's Gysai Hera, FCh, L.Terra/A.Magni |
F8 |
2. Titan, DC Kamaraj Achilles Titan Th-e-Brod, FCh,MC, B.& M.Brodeur |
6 |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judge: Richard Whritenour |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Steffi, Steffi Sthira Of Benridge, J.Cramer/D.Berlin |
B8 |
2. Zorro, Tophat's Don Diego, S.& C.Leslie |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(2) |
1. Chrissy, FC Benridge Aces My Heart, LCM,SC,NA, J.Cramer/D.Berlin |
F8 |
2. PJ, FC Benridge's Peace of My Heart, LCM2,SC, J.Cramer/D.Berlin |
6 |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Rikki, DC Tophat's Rockn Rolling Hoochie Koo At Springvalley, FCh,SC, S.A.& C.Leslie |
F4 |
SALUKI Judge: Richard Whritenour |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Leelah, Ch Gemini Jubilee Nephelae, RN, D.Johnson/G.Hofflman |
F4 |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Zydeco, Ch Aspen's Zydeco Zip, FCh,CA,SC, D.Johnson/G.Hoffman |
B4 |
SINGLES Judge: Tom Cigolle Jr |
Single Flight A(3, 1 NQ) |
1. Glacier, Shadow Run Cascadian Blue Glacier, J.& M.Koski |
12 |
2. Summer, Laurel Chase Summer Breeze, L.Clute |
9 |
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judge: Doug Berlin |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Kamiah, ISWS Ch,NAKC Ch Allagante Rvnwoods It'se Ye Ye, FCh,SRC,OTRCH,ISWS LCM, J.Koski |
B4 |
WHIPPET Judge: Richard Whritenour |
Open Flight A(12) |
1. Leveret, Merci Isle Rhythm Of The Night, H.Frank/I.& J.Kimmelman |
+R40 |
2. LeBronze, Ch Surrey Hill Mariner Butter Off In Cleveland, SC, M.Mortin/D.Hursh |
30 |
3. Teddy, Merci Isle Fall Finery, C.Potter |
20 |
4. Zara, New Amsterdam, G.& A.Meschkow |
10 |
N. Oksana, Vrymeer Soliloquy, E.& P.Holland/L.Rusticus |
Field Champion Flight A(7) |
1. GooRoo, Poeta GooRoovey Hipster, V.Damant |
B40 |
2. Cheers, Hyflyte Standing Ovation, H.Ferguson |
21 |
3. Indy, Ch Artemis Mood Indigo, FCh, D.Hursh/M.Mortin/L.Kieffer |
14 |
4. Eli, ShannonDown If I Can Dream, J.Courtmanche |
7 |
N. Vita, Kindred Vita Velocissima, V.E.Grayson/B.Malick |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Dale, Can Ch Shamasan Devonair's Dale, LCM,NAJ,NAP, H.& E.Dansereau |
F4 |
No Best in Field |
BORZOI Judge: Dean Wright |
Open Flight A(6, 2 NQ) |
1. Indy, Perlova Avalon Indy Go Zoiboyz, KC Thompson/T.Golcher |
R24 |
2. Kai, Kelcorov's Kai, J.Biancalana |
18 |
3. Kiss, Zoiboyz Jedawn Resolute Kiss, KC Thompson/T.Golcher |
12 |
4. Kane, Zoiboyz Jedawn Resolute Kane, T.Golcher/KC Thompson |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Hudson, Zoiboyz Hudson, KC Thompson/T.Golcher |
B24 |
GREYHOUND Judges: Jennifer Gysler, Dean Wright |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Gypzie, NFC,FC Windrock Tid-Bittius Velocitus, SC, S.Aberton/K.Fritzler |
R8 |
2. Cora, Miss Cora, J.Smith/S.Aberton |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Strider, FC Windrock Hot-Roddicus Supersonicus, FCh,SC, K.& C. Fritzler |
B8 |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Mayzie, DC,UKC Ch Windrock Queen of Diamonds, FCh,SC, S.Aberton/K.Fritzler |
F4 |
IBIZAN HOUND Judges: Jennifer Gysler, Dean Wright |
Open Flight A(2, 1 NQ) |
1. Bara, Kibby's Icycold FV Baranof, D.McKibbin |
F8 |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Kit, DC Wirtu's Touch Not The Cat At R'L, SC, I.McDougald/K.McDougald |
B4 |
SINGLES Judge: Dean Wright |
Single Flight A(2) |
1. Zeus, Zeus, N.Somer/K.Bogdanow |
8 |
2. Ruffian, SummersSpirit Ruffian, C.Butcher |
6 |
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Jennifer Gysler, Dean Wright |
Open Flight A(8) |
1. Annie, Siendo's Annie Oakley Sspirit, ORC, D.Murphy |
B32 |
2. Manny, SummersSpirit Man O'War, D.Murphy |
24 |
3. Pook, Summersspirit Spectre, ORC, D.Murphy |
16 |
4. Prin, SummersspiritTatiana Rananova, D.Murphy |
8 |
N. Nick, Summers Spirit Nick, D.Murphy |
WHIPPET Judges: Jennifer Gysler, Dean Wright |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Lincoln, DC Morningstar Jomyr Honest Abe, MC, T.Dannenbring |
F8 |
2. Charlie, Belaya R'L Seahawk, I.McDougald/M.Pyle |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(2) |
1. Flame, Brystal Angelica Firestar, D.McKibbin |
B8 |
2. Tig, Shantellie's On The Wild Side, FCh, D.McKibbin |
6 |
BEST IN FIELD Judges: Jennifer Gysler, Dean Wright |
GH Strider, FC Windrock Hot-Roddicus Supersonicus, FCh,SC, K.& C. Fritzler |
BIF (157) |
WH Flame, Brystal Angelica Firestar, D.McKibbin |
-153 |
AFGHAN HOUND Judge: Moyra Hamilton |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Prince Harry, Kominek's The Stallion, Can FCh, J.Martin |
B4 |
AZAWAKH Judge: Moyra Hamilton |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Xolani, BISS,DC Xolani ak Ilaman, TCP,CM2,SC, S.Vadas/C.Kelly |
F4 |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Journey Man, Ch Ettebel Ajouren, CA, J.Martin |
B4 |
GREYHOUND Judge: Moyra Hamilton |
Open Flight A(3) |
1. Sunspot, Lakilanni Sunsport Baby, S.Poper |
B12 |
2. Kingsley, Lakilanni School's Out, L.Zucker |
9 |
3. Tull, Lakilanni Thick As A Brick, L.Soutar |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(4) |
1. Lincoln, Lakilanni Hot Rod Lincoln, L.Soutar |
F16 |
2. Shirri, Lakilanni Wish You Were Here, FCh, L.Soutar |
12 |
3. Blueberry, GCh,CCB,FC Lakilanni Blue Jean Blues, LCM,RN,SC, L.Soutar |
8 |
4. Lily, Lakilanni Crystalblu Prsuasion, FCh, C.Laliberte/L.Chavvette |
4 |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judge: Laurie Soutar |
Field Champion Flight A(2) |
1. Moshi, Imarika's Smokey Topaz, FCh, B.A.Dieckman |
B8 |
2. Voodoo, DC Highveld's Black Magic Of Imarika, LCM6,MC,GRC,SOR,ORC, G.& P.Kytta II |
6 |
SALUKI Judge: Paul Kytta II |
Open Flight A(4) |
1. Shamsa, Khamsin's Shamsa Bint Vashti, P.Taylor/S.Konopa |
R16 |
2. Soleil, Khamsin's Della Soleil, S.Konopa |
12 |
3. Leelah, Ch Gemini Jubilee Nephelae, RN, D.Johnson/G.Hofflman |
8 |
4. Caprice, Khamsin's Caprice For A Song, S.Konopa |
4 |
Field Champion Flight A(3) |
1. Tallie, Uziduzit Hawksview Black Talon At Antara, FCh,TCP,SC,RN,,TKI,CGCA, M.C.Fisher/T.Schwartz |
B16 |
2. Xavier, 7Seas Parfait Xavier, FCh,SC, Kelly/Vadas/Kelly-Burns/House |
9 |
3. Zydeco, Ch Aspen's Zydeco Zip, FCh,CA,SC, D.Johnson/G.Hoffman |
6 |
SINGLES Judge: Laurie Soutar |
Single Flight A(4) |
1. Kaelan, Springmeadow H'Art's Afire At Denali, D.Bell |
16 |
2. Fariq, Xass Farah Fariq, S.Meier/F.Farrar |
12 |
3. Sprint, Ch Karob Sandstorm Sprint Ahead To Antara, CAA,CGCP, M.C.Fisher/T.Schwartz |
8 |
4. Billy, Devonair's William, A.& D.Hulley |
4 |
WHIPPET Judges: Paul Kytta II, Laurie Soutar |
Open Flight A(5, 1 NQ) |
1. Xiara, Devonair's Xiara, Can FCh, D.& A.Hulley |
B20 |
2. Fable, Devonair's Yarna Ducktale, A.& A.Osfolk |
15 |
3. Minnie, Jezebelle's Mighty Minnie, C.Pazien |
10 |
4. Prank, Missjiffs Jokes On You, J.Data |
5 |
Field Champion Flight A(3) |
1. Hoss, Jezebelle's Smokehouse, C.Pazian |
F12 |
2. Duck, Ch Devonair's Vera Duckworth, FCh, H.J.Dansereau |
9 |
3. Raj, Do It Just A Therory, FCh,SC, A.& A.Osfolk |
6 |
BEST IN FIELD Judge: Moyra Hamilton |
GH Sunspot, Lakilanni Sunsport Baby, S.Poper |
BIF (78) |
RR Moshi, Imarika's Smokey Topaz, FCh, B.A.Dieckman |
-77 |
WH Xiara, Devonair's Xiara, Can FCh, D.& A.Hulley |
-76 |
AFGHAN HOUND Judge: Debbie Narwold |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Noki, Alemkah Brown-Eyed Girl, A.Richards |
B4 |
BORZOI Judge: Debbie Narwold |
Open Flight A(3, 1 NC) |
1. Dawn, Kirov Windrift Fly Above Tahoe, K.Artley |
B8 |
2. Danica, Kirov Windrift Speed To Spare, N.Reimer/B.Ewing |
6 |
GREYHOUND Judge: Debbie Narwold |
Open Flight A(3) |
1. Seger, Lakilanni Turn The Page Story, L.Warden |
B16 |
2. Dave, Lakilanni Livin' On Adrenaline, K.Kaltenborn |
9 |
3. Buck, Lakilanni Buck's Hot Rod, K.Kaltenborn |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(4) |
1. Billie, FC Lothlorien Billie Holiday, LCM2, K.Kaltenborn |
R16 |
2. Roman, GCh,UGR,DC,CCB Rosewood's Roman Candle, LCM,MC,LCX, L.Reeve |
12 |
3. Bella, DC,CT,CCB,UCH,URO1 Rosewood Diva Let Freedom Ring, FCh,SC,RN, L.Reeve |
8 |
4. Hercules, UAG1,UWP,UCP,UR03,DC Lakilanni Hercules El Kandahar, FCh,CD,RN, L.Hayes |
4 |
IRISH WOLFHOUND Judge: Debbie Narwold |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. River, Ch Glor Na Gael Ee-Mer, J.& S.Greer |
B4 |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judge: Debbie Narwold |
Open Flight A(2, 1 NQ) |
1. Lacy, Terracotta's Chantilly Lace, J.Garand |
R8 |
Field Champion Flight A(6) |
1. Kingsley, DC Taylormade King Of Hearts, FCh,SC, K.Fennig |
B24 |
2. Nox, DC Taylor Made Nights Watch, BN,RN,MC,BCAT,CGC, C.& J.Landowski |
18 |
3. Micah, Taylor Made Out of McKenzie, SC, B. & T.Moodhart |
12 |
4. McKenzie, DC Taylor Made Out of Savvy, LCM2,SC,RN,MX,MXJ,OF,VCX, B.& T.Moodhart |
6 |
N. (Bayden, Ch Talyor Made Out Of McKenzie Two, SC, B.& T.Moodhart) |
SALUKI Judge: KC Artley |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Akamai, DC Karob Sandstorm Faster Forward, SC, R.& K.Frost |
B4 |
SCOTTISH DEERHOUND Judge: Frances Abrams |
Open Flight A(5, 1 NQ, 1 DIS) |
1. Avery, Gayleward's Eynhallow, D.Habian |
F20 |
2. Alcina, Ch Fernhill's Alcina, J.Brown |
15 |
3. Freebie, Fitzhugh Innisfree, M.Sudekum DVM |
10 |
4. Peat, Gayleward's Deermont Peat Monster of Mull, M.B.Grieb |
5 |
DIS. Stewart, Bruach Fitzgerald Mulligan Stew, K.Wattenbarger |
Field Champion Flight A(4) |
1. iLike Ike, Fitzhugh iLike Ike At Deermont, M.B.Grieb/M.Sudekum |
B16 |
2. Flynn, Fitzhugh In Like Flynn, R.Jones DVM/M.Sudekum DVM |
12 |
3. Indie, FC Fitzhugh Indiana Jones, SC, R.Jones DVM/M.Sudekum DVM |
8 |
4. Lilly, Deermont's Just Lily, M.B.Grieb |
4 |
SINGLES Judge: Frances Abrams |
Single Flight A(2) |
1. Deusenburg, Panache Honed And Ready, CR,OTR, J.Shirley |
8 |
2. Dani, Wylie's Moonlight Danc'n At Cogshall, D.Borton |
6 |
WHIPPET Judge: KC Artley |
Open Flight A(7, 1 NQ) |
1. Mystic, Rantina Longlesson Mystic Topaz, S.Salo/Longlesson Knl |
+F28 |
2. Durbin, Wildabout Infinite Dreamer, V.Smith |
21 |
3. Midnight, Rantina Woodsia Longlesson Midnight Express, S.Salo/S.Rosenbeck/Longlesson Kn |
14 |
4. Levi, Nonstopp Blackfoot, K.Feldman |
7 |
N. Fling, Uch Debmar First Fling Of Lanruvi, ARX,MXJ,DS, D.Borton |
Field Champion Flight A(7) |
1. Uschi, Cogshall's Going For Bearoque, FCh,TRP, M.Huff/D.Duffert |
B28 |
2. Prada, FC Do It Just A Fashion Trend, LCM,SC,OTR, D.Syrja |
21 |
3. U, FC Free Wynd's It Had To Be U, LCM3,SC,OTR, D.Syrja |
14 |
4. Sherry, Nahr-Volts Sherry, FCh, D.Narwold |
7 |
N. Chevy, Woods Runner Heartbeat of America, J.& M.Botzau |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Scandel, Windrift Dirty Laundry, SC, B.Veitch |
F4 |
No Best in Field |
BASENJI Judges: Russ Jacobs, Sandy Simmons-Gamble |
Open Flight A(10, 2 NQ) |
1. Freddie, Bushwacker Mercury Rising, C.Frost |
B40 |
2. Cooper, Chiya's Teazer My Aim Is Tru, SC, M.& L.Carter/S.Cheng |
30 |
3. Truly, GCh Teazer Chiya's Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, SC, S.Cheng/J.Gaidos |
20 |
4. Star, Bushwacker Diamond Star Halo, C.Frost |
10 |
N. Stevie, Ch Kiroja Hockeytown Hero, SC,RATN,CGC,CA, K.Harmon |
Field Champion Flight A(4) |
1. Chilly, GCh,DC,Can Ch Borassus Hot.Cool.Yours., LCM3,SC,CA,RATN, K.Sanders |
R16 |
2. Henna, GCh,Can Ch Borassus Who's Your Hot Shot, LCM,CA,SC, K.Sanders |
12 |
3. Taziri, DC Joy-Us Hung The Moon, FCh,SC,ORC,GRC,VB, T.Colbert |
8 |
4. Kanyu, Meiserhaus Pay Pal K's Kanyu, B.Kaufman/A.T.Brooks |
4 |
Veteran Flight A(4, 1 NQ, 1 DIS) |
1. Searsha, GCh,DC N'Focus Santa Baby, LCM5,MC,GRC,JOR,VB,LCX, K.Sanders |
F16 |
2. Zuri, GCh,DC Jerlin's Our Zuri Pupin, LCM,VLCM6,MC,SGRC3,LCX, T.Colbert |
12 |
3. Dapper, GCh,DC Eldorado's Look Smart At Kaleonahe, K.Cabral/S.Strobel/P.Geoggroy |
8 |
DIS. Banh Mi, DC Taji's Banh Mi On the Runway to Bluenote, LCM,SC, Hamilton/Campbell/Kim/Farnsworth |
SINGLES Judges: Russ Jacobs, Sandy Simmons-Gamble |
Single Flight A(10, 2 NQ) |
1. Peyton, Jadaka Meisterhaus Sheeza Pistol, D.& C.Reitzel/T.Brooks/J.Kahl |
40 |
2. Axl, Ch Jadaka Meisterhaus Guns N'Roses, T.Brook/J.Kahl |
30 |
3. Rocket, Joy-Us Shoot For The Moon, TCP, J.Cook |
20 |
4. Ellie, Dakotah's Chantellie Lace, T.& L.Lemberger |
10 |
N. Nemo, Amore's Reach For The Stars, W.Suarez |
AFGHAN HOUND Judge: Paul Kytta II |
Veteran Flight A(1, 1 NQ) |
AZAWAKH Judge: Paul Kytta II |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Xolani, BISS,DC Xolani ak Ilaman, TCP,CM2,SC, S.Vadas/C.Kelly |
B4 |
GREYHOUND Judge: Paul Kytta II |
Open Flight A(3) |
1. Tull, Lakilanni Thick As A Brick, L.Soutar |
B12 |
2. Sunspot, Lakilanni Sunsport Baby, S.Poper |
9 |
3. Kingsley, Lakilanni School's Out, L.Zucker |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(3) |
1. Shirri, Lakilanni Wish You Were Here, FCh, L.Soutar |
F12 |
2. Lincoln, Lakilanni Hot Rod Lincoln, L.Soutar |
9 |
3. Lily, Lakilanni Crystalblu Prsuasion, FCh, C.Laliberte/L.Chavvette |
6 |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judge: Moyra Hamilton |
Field Champion Flight A(2) |
1. Voodoo, DC Highveld's Black Magic Of Imarika, LCM6,MC,GRC,SOR,ORC, G.& P.Kytta II |
B8 |
2. Moshi, Imarika's Smokey Topaz, FCh, B.A.Dieckman |
6 |
SALUKI Judge: Moyra Hamilton |
Open Flight A(4) |
1. Soleil, Khamsin's Della Soleil, S.Konopa |
+R16 |
2. Leelah, Ch Gemini Jubilee Nephelae, RN, D.Johnson/G.Hofflman |
12 |
3. Caprice, Khamsin's Caprice For A Song, S.Konopa |
8 |
4. Shamsa, Khamsin's Shamsa Bint Vashti, P.Taylor/S.Konopa |
4 |
Field Champion Flight A(4) |
1. Tallie, Uziduzit Hawksview Black Talon At Antara, FCh,TCP,SC,RN,,TKI,CGCA, M.C.Fisher/T.Schwartz |
B16 |
2. Xavier, 7Seas Parfait Xavier, FCh,SC, Kelly/Vadas/Kelly-Burns/House |
12 |
3. Sprint, Ch Karob Sandstorm Sprint Ahead To Antara, CAA,CGCP, M.C.Fisher/T.Schwartz |
8 |
4. Zydeco, Ch Aspen's Zydeco Zip, FCh,CA,SC, D.Johnson/G.Hoffman |
4 |
SINGLES Judge: Moyra Hamilton |
Single Flight A(4, 1 NQ) |
1. Kaelan, Springmeadow H'Art's Afire At Denali, D.Bell |
16 |
2. Fariq, Ch Xass Farah Fariq, S.Meier/F.Farrar |
12 |
3. Triscuit, Bitterblue's Winter Wheat At Irulan, A.Rapoport DVM |
8 |
WHIPPET Judge: Moyra Hamilton |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Minnie, Jezebelle's Mighty Minnie, C.Pazien |
B4 |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Hoss, Jezebelle's Smokehouse, C.Pazian |
F4 |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Evan Brown, FC Cherche' Worse Than Bonkers, LCM,VFCh,RN,NA,NAJ,ANJ, A.Rapoport/C.Durance-Watikins |
F4 |
BEST IN FIELD Judge: Paul Kytta II |
GH Tull, Lakilanni Thick As A Brick, L.Soutar |
BIF (77) |
WH Minnie, Jezebelle's Mighty Minnie, C.Pazien |
-75 |
BORZOI Judges: Frances Abrams, Debbie Narwold |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Lily, Russian Calla Lily At Windrift, J.& N.Reimer |
B8 |
2. Dawn, Kirov Windrift Fly Above Tahoe, K.Artley |
6 |
GREYHOUND Judge: Frances Abrams |
Open Flight A(3) |
1. Buck, Lakilanni Buck's Hot Rod, K.Kaltenborn |
B16 |
2. Seger, Lakilanni Turn The Page Story, L.Warden |
9 |
3. Dave, Lakilanni Livin' On Adrenaline, K.Kaltenborn |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(4, 1 NQ) |
1. Hercules, UAG1,UWP,UCP,UR03,DC Lakilanni Hercules El Kandahar, FCh,CD,RN, L.Hayes |
R16 |
2. Billie, FC Lothlorien Billie Holiday, LCM2, K.Kaltenborn |
12 |
3. Bella, DC,CT,CCB,UCH,URO1 Rosewood Diva Let Freedom Ring, FCh,SC,RN, L.Reeve |
8 |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Roman, GCh,UGR,DC,CCB Rosewood's Roman Candle, LCM,MC,LCX, L.Reeve |
F4 |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. River, Ch Glor Na Gael Ee-Mer, J.& S.Greer |
B4 |
PHARAOH HOUND Judge: Debbie Narwold |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Phizzie, Charmedwons Phuture's Effervescent Morning Star, C.Johnson/J.Gwin |
B4 |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judge: Frances Abrams |
Open Flight A(2, 1 NQ) |
1. Lacy, Terracotta's Chantilly Lace, J.Garand |
R8 |
Field Champion Flight A(6) |
1. Kingsley, DC Taylormade King Of Hearts, FCh,SC, K.Fennig |
B24 |
2. Micah, Taylor Made Out of McKenzie, SC, B. & T.Moodhart |
18 |
3. Nox, DC Taylor Made Nights Watch, BN,RN,MC,BCAT,CGC, C.& J.Landowski |
12 |
4. McKenzie, DC Taylor Made Out of Savvy, LCM2,SC,RN,MX,MXJ,OF,VCX, B.& T.Moodhart |
6 |
N. (Bayden, Ch Talyor Made Out Of McKenzie Two, SC, B.& T.Moodhart) |
SALUKI Judge: Debbie Narwold |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Akamai, DC Karob Sandstorm Faster Forward, SC, R.& K.Frost |
B4 |
Open Flight A(3) |
1. Avery, Gayleward's Eynhallow, D.Habian |
B16 |
2. Alcina, Ch Fernhill's Alcina, J.Brown |
9 |
3. Freebie, Fitzhugh Innisfree, M.Sudekum DVM |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(4) |
1. Flynn, Fitzhugh In Like Flynn, R.Jones DVM/M.Sudekum DVM |
R16 |
2. Indie, FC Fitzhugh Indiana Jones, SC, R.Jones DVM/M.Sudekum DVM |
12 |
3. iLike Ike, Fitzhugh iLike Ike At Deermont, M.B.Grieb/M.Sudekum |
8 |
4. Lilly, Deermont's Just Lily, M.B.Grieb |
4 |
SINGLES Judge: KC Artley |
Single Flight A(3) |
1. Peridot, Ch Sandstorm Karob Philia Peridot, R.& K.Frost |
12 |
2. Wings, Twin Elm's Wings, A.& C.Montex/S.Breaz |
9 |
3. Stewart, Bruach Fitzgerald Mulligan Stew, K.Wattenbarger |
6 |
WHIPPET Judges: Frances Abrams, KC Artley |
Open Flight A(8) |
1. Oak, Wildabout Widow Jane, A.Kelsey/T.Rees |
R32 |
2. Midnight, Rantina Woodsia Longlesson Midnight Express, S.Salo/S.Rosenbeck/Longlesson Kn |
24 |
3. Story, Fallowfield The Silent Story, Dr.C.Brunkow |
16 |
4. (Mystic, Rantina Longlesson Mystic Topaz, S.Salo/Longlesson Knl) |
N. Rocket, Willabe Rocket Dog Ace Of Hearts, D.Fray |
Field Champion Flight A(6, 2 NQ) |
1. Talon, Rantina N MiJu Tigers Eye, M.Yorgy/J.Moeller/S.Salo |
B32 |
2. U, FC Free Wynd's It Had To Be U, LCM3,SC,OTR, D.Syrja |
18 |
3. Sherry, Nahr-Volts Sherry, FCh, D.Narwold |
12 |
4. Chevy, Woods Runner Heartbeat of America, J.& M.Botzau |
6 |
Veteran Flight A(2) |
1. Ginny, FC Fallowfield Dreamin' Out Loud, LCM,SC, C.Brunkow DVM |
F8 |
2. Scandel, Windrift Dirty Laundry, SC, B.Veitch |
6 |
BEST IN FIELD Judge: Frances Abrams |
RR Kingsley, DC Taylormade King Of Hearts, FCh,SC, K.Fennig |
BIF (79) |
SA Akamai, DC Karob Sandstorm Faster Forward, SC, R.& K.Frost |
-78 |
AFGHAN HOUND Judges: Leonore Abordo, Sandra Moore |
Open Flight A(4) |
1. Ingvar, Kominek's Ingvar Of Synergon, E.& S.Kominek |
B28 |
2. Chase, Ch Suni Sir Viveur, RN, L.& J.Hicks |
12 |
3. Lena, DC Kominek's Calaeno, SC, E.& S.Kominek |
8 |
4. Coco, Swiftwind Classy And Fabulous, Can FCh, L.Deptuch |
4 |
Field Champion Flight A(7) |
1. Sansa, Kominek's Lady Of The Court, FCh, R.& L.Jordan/S.Kominek |
R28 |
2. Prince Harry, Kominek's The Stallion, Can FCh, J.Martin |
21 |
3. Brienne, Kominek's Maid Of Sapphires, FCh, E.& S.Kominek |
14 |
4. (Typsy, Evensong's Sit Down You're Rockin The Boat, R.& L.Jordan) |
N. Zephyr, Zen Can't Catch Me!, E.Klosson |
Veteran Flight A(5, 1 NQ) |
1. Flirt, FC Allures Just Give Me That Wink, FCh,MC,LCX, D.Delesandri/S.Norris |
R20 |
2. Millie, Evensong's Thoroughly Modern Millie, FCh,SC, R.& L.Jordan |
15 |
3. Desmond, Ch,CCB Charsada Darkness At High Noon, LCM,FChX,SC,JOR,SRM, J.Martin |
10 |
4. Noki, Alemkah Brown-Eyed Girl, A.Richards |
5 |
SINGLES Judges: Leonore Abordo, Sandra Moore |
Single Flight A(5, 2 NQ) |
1. Nigel, Sirae Lipstick On My Collar, S.Popson |
20 |
2. Tori, Inisfree Sirae' Notorious Duet, J.Callaghan/L.French |
15 |
3. Bettie Mae, Wynsyr's Pin-Up Girl, Dr.C.Helsina |
10 |
BORZOI Judges: Claudia Miller, Heather Minnich |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Kane, Zoiboyz Jedawn Resolute Kane, T.Golcher/KC Thompson |
F8 |
2. T Pet, Kinobi Teacher's Pet, R.P.Campbell c/o M.Pearce |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(4) |
1. Aliza, Aliza ay Zoiboyz Rosa Wetrow, KC Thompson/T.Golcher |
B16 |
2. Firebolt, Del Sol Firebolt of Coburn WNS, S.Van de Water |
12 |
3. Boots, Del Sol Hermies Boots, FCh, S.Van de Water |
8 |
4. Gibson, Ch Zoiboyz Gibson, FCh,GRC, T.Golcher/KC Thompson |
4 |
Veteran Flight A(4, 1 NQ) |
1. Traveler, UKC Ch Del Sol Endless Traveler WNS, FCh,GRC, S.Van de Water |
F16 |
2. InSanity, Am Ch,UKC GCh Del Sol End of Reason WNS, LCM2,SGRC2, S.Van de Water |
12 |
3. Batman, Del Sol Joker's Gamble, S.Van de Water |
8 |
GREYHOUND Judges: Darci Kunard, Claudia Miller |
Open Flight A(4) |
1. Bayou, Lakilanni Halfmoon Blue Bayou, H.Minnich |
B16 |
2. Starlette, Lakilanni Halfmoon Highwaystar, H.Minnich |
12 |
3. Brickle, Lakilanni Halfmoon Brick House, H.Minnich |
8 |
4. Presley, Lakilanni Blue Suede Shoes, J.Gaithe |
4 |
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Claudia Miller, Heather Minnich |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Nuri, GCh,DC Sendji's New Coat Of Paint, LCM,RN,VC,CGC,LCX,VC, Phinney/Guinn/Martin/Bednar |
B4 |
Veteran Flight A(2, 1 NQ) |
1. Cayman, GCh,DC Mia's Bakhu Risky Business Of Hallam, LCM,MC,RN,HIC,VCX,CA,LCX, D.& M.Kunard |
F8 |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Darci Kunard, Claudia Miller |
Open Flight A(1, 1 NQ) |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Indigo, GCh, DC Rufaro's Pretty Baby Blues, FCh,MC,RN,CGC,LCX2,GRC, D.& B.Collins |
B4 |
SALUKI Judges: Darci Kunard, Claudia Miller |
Open Flight A(3) |
1. Jamiil, GChB Shafiq Blue Nile Jaqmiil, D.& P.Lowe/S.Winsted/M.McMillan |
B12 |
2. Bonnie, Owl Ridge Born To Be Wild, N.Warner/J.Scheinberg |
9 |
3. Braveheart, Ch Owl Ridge Zip Wyatt, N.Warner/J.Scheinberg |
6 |
SINGLES Judges: Darci Kunard, Claudia Miller |
Single Flight A(5, 1 NQ) |
1. Jerzi, El Zagel Flying To Jersey, TCP, C.Sullivan/D.Britton |
20 |
2. Sodi, Blue Nile Midnight Rhapsody Shafiq, D.& P.Lowe/Winstead/McMillan |
15 |
3. Ibi, Kamaraj Achilles Ibi, R.Phinney/G.Bednar |
10 |
4. Niko, Rusalka Good To Go, TCP, S.Seay |
5 |
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Darci Kunard, Claudia Miller |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Zee, Winsome's Zenyatta of Attaway, M.Pearce/I.Stetson |
R4 |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Cochise, Clayborn's Apach Firedance, C.Buhrdorf |
B4 |
WHIPPET Judges: Darci Kunard, Claudia Miller |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Rumor, O'Neill N Tru-Luv's Something To Talk About, L.Pocurull/T.Borland |
R4 |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Ren, Shannon Down Footloose, S.Seay |
B4 |
No Best in Field |
BORZOI Judges: Deann Britton, Heather Minnich |
Open Flight A(6) |
1. Kane, Zoiboyz Jedawn Resolute Kane, T.Golcher/KC Thompson |
F24 |
2. Sophie, Kirov Windrift Fly So Free, B.Ewing/N.Reimer |
18 |
3. Gerwyn, Kachina Vision Of Love, C.Enz |
12 |
4. Indy, Perlova Avalon Indy Go Zoiboyz, KC Thompson/T.Golcher |
6 |
N. Nelson, Kachina Rosehill Red Headed Stranger, C.Enz |
Field Champion Flight A(4) |
1. Firebolt, Del Sol Firebolt of Coburn WNS, S.Van de Water |
B16 |
2. Hudson, Zoiboyz Hudson, KC Thompson/T.Golcher |
12 |
3. Canyon, UKC Ch Del Sol Dark Canyon Avalon V Willowind, LCM,GRC, S.Van de Water |
8 |
4. Guinness, FC Zoiboyz Guinness, FCh,SC, T.Golcher/KC Thompson |
4 |
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Deann Britton, Heather Minnich |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Nuri, GCh,DC Sendji's New Coat Of Paint, LCM,RN,VC,CGC,LCX,VC, Phinney/Guinn/Martin/Bednar |
B4 |
SALUKI Judges: Deann Britton, Heather Minnich |
Open Flight A(2, 1 NQ) |
1. Bonnie, Owl Ridge Born To Be Wild, N.Warner/J.Scheinberg |
B8 |
SINGLES Judges: Darci Kunard, Heather Minnich |
Single Flight A(3) |
1. Ryder, Artistry's Go For Broke, C.Scott/L.Jordan |
12 |
2. Ibi, Kamaraj Achilles Ibi, R.Phinney/G.Bednar |
9 |
3. Mariah, Neonaura's Café Moriah D'Ansor, G.Hayden/C.Lewis |
6 |
WHIPPET Judges: Deann Britton, Heather Minnich |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Merlin, Crossfyre No Regrets, E.& J.Wong |
B4 |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Chico, Hamrya's Dynamo, FCh,RA,CD,RATN, M.Rubin/D.Lynch |
R4 |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Conall, Finghin's Celtic Legacy Of Kirkham, LCM2, M.& K.Standerford |
F4 |
No Best in Field |
AFGHAN HOUND Judges: Archie Doby, Mike Terry |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Storm, Ch Exquisite Red Skye At Night, LCM, D.& L.Reisinger |
B4 |
BORZOI Judges: Archie Doby, Mike Terry |
Open Flight A(3, 1 NQ) |
1. Lars, K-C's Enter Sandman, SC, K.& D.Parks |
B12 |
2. Wheels, Ch K-C Windsheer Wheel In The Sky, SC, D.& K.Parks/L.Lanier |
9 |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Journey, Ch Windsheer K-C Lovin' Touchin' Squeezin', FCh,SC, K.Parks/L.Lanier |
F4 |
CIRNECO DELL'ETNA Judges: Archie Doby, Mike Terry |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Amadeo, Beauty Of Sicilia Amadeo, R.Fawcett |
B4 |
GREYHOUND Judges: Archie Doby, Mike Terry |
Open Flight A(2, 1 NQ) |
1. Isis, Fuzz Face Noble, S.Garrick |
B8 |
IBIZAN HOUND Judges: Archie Doby, Mike Terry |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Lilac, GCh SunRumba's Fringe In Lilac N Lace Of Aigh, TCP,SC, Dr.P.First/R.Castillo |
R8 |
2. Thor, Ch Fusion's God Of Thunder, Dr.P.First |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(5) |
1. Jesse, DC Fusion's Jessica Rabbit, LCM,MC,LCX, K.Radke |
B20 |
2. Whistle, Devillez Stars In The Night, R.Devillez |
15 |
3. Tag, Devillez They Dance, LCM2, R.Devillez |
10 |
4. Kelia, FC Kamar's Enchanted Phoenixxx, FCh,MC,LCX, K.Radke/K.Belz DVM |
5 |
N. Flag, Devillez Sunshine On My Shoulders, R.Devillez |
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Archie Doby, Mike Terry |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Precious, Churuka Mirare Le Diable Rouge, FCh, G.& B.Breitbach/T.Harper/L.Witt |
B4 |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Archie Doby, Mike Terry |
Open Flight A(4) |
1. Double Tap, Venus' Zombieland Rule Number Two, D.& K.Parks |
B16 |
2. 6xx, Venus' Zero Dark Thirty, D.& K.Parks |
12 |
3. Scrappy CoCo, Venus' You Don't Mess With The Zohan, D. & K.Parks |
8 |
4. Dos Equis, FC Venus' Stay Thirsty My Friends, SC, D.& K.Parks |
4 |
Field Champion Flight A(3) |
1. Sin, FC Venus' Original Sin Here, FCh,SC, D.& K.Parks |
R12 |
2. Zoli, DC Venus' Zoli Safari Express 12, LCM3,SC, J.& C.Slattery/D.Parks |
9 |
3. Kinky, FC Venus' Goes Down Good, FCh,SC, L.Lanier/D.& K.Parks |
6 |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Ziva, FC Venus' Brilliant Assassin, LCM3,MC,RN, J.& C.Slattery |
R4 |
SALUKI Judges: Archie Doby, Mike Terry |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Nick, Melik Nariman, O.& X.Decollogne |
R8 |
2. Ryan, Krimzyn Kumamia Hot New Release, M.F.Miller |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Nevi, FC Hawksview's Zoomin' Out Of Nevada, FCh,SC, V.R.Olive/S.Olive |
B8 |
SINGLES Judges: Archie Doby, Mike Terry |
Single Flight A(2, 2 NQ) |
WHIPPET Judges: Archie Doby, Mike Terry |
Open Flight A(4) |
1. Shaylee, HH Irish Lullaby, SC, L.Lanier/A.Norwood |
F16 |
2. Candy, TNT's Sweet Candy, TNT Kennels |
12 |
3. Quicksilver, Besame's Quicksilver, M.Petrick/T.Kuhlman |
8 |
4. Isaac, Synergy Heart Shaped World, M.Hawemann |
4 |
Field Champion Flight A(5) |
1. Max, TNT's Red Son Rising O Cali, FCh, D.& M.L.Richards |
B20 |
2. Zero, Deco Jomyr Sweets To The Sweet, FCh,SC, L.Lanier |
15 |
3. Ethel, Les's Ethel, FCh,SC, M.F.Miller |
10 |
4. Lucy, BII,FC Shirri's Lucy, LCM,SC, M.F.Miller |
5 |
N. Speedy, High Speeding's Speed of Light, FCh,SC, M.Petrick/T.Kuhlman |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Chipper, FC Shine WGASA Chips Ahoy, LCM8,SC, D.& N.Ewing |
R4 |
BEST IN REGIONAL INVITATIONAL Judges: Archie Doby, Mike Terry |
SA Nevi, FC Hawksview's Zoomin' Out Of Nevada, FCh,SC, V.R.Olive/S.Olive |
BIF (151, 151) |
WH Max, TNT's Red Son Rising O Cali, FCh, D.& M.L.Richards |
(151, 148) |
CE Amadeo, Beauty Of Sicilia Amadeo, R.Fawcett |
-148 |
PH Precious, Churuka Mirare Le Diable Rouge, FCh, G.& B.Breitbach/T.Harper/L.Witt |
-148 |
AH Storm, Ch Exquisite Red Skye At Night, LCM, D.& L.Reisinger |
-147 |
IBIZAN HOUND Judges: Kathy Sanders, Vern Staack |
Open Flight A(14, 2 NQ, 1 NC, 1 DIS) |
1. Vanna, FC Aliki Notanuff's Dash Of Spice, SC, C.Schoneman/C.Shaw |
+R40 |
2. Mako, Redfaire's Fish Off The Hook At Notanuff, C.Shaw/B.& S.Reding |
30 |
3. Sonya, FC Elan Halcyon Comp0elling Dreams Will Double, SC, M.Magenaar/J.Fisher |
20 |
4. Peaches, Redfaire's Oh For Fish Sake At Aliki, A.Mirestes/S.& B.Reding |
10 |
N. Rod, GCh Rising Suns Do Ya Think I'm Sexy, J.King |
DIS. Avery, Dragorra's You Remind Me Of The Babe, J.King |
Field Champion Flight A(6) |
1. Seren, Ch Kamars First Rule Of Flying, FCh,SC, L.Petesch/K.Belz |
B40 |
2. Finn, Ch Icycold Infinity 2The3rd Power, FCh, R.Davis/K.Catt |
18 |
3. Hurry, Can Ch IcyCold Every Second Counts, FCh, Dr K.Catt/S.Marshall |
12 |
4. Ensign, Can DC IcyCold Thirdmate, FCh,FC, Dr.K.Catt-Marshall/S.Marshall |
6 |
N. Dory, Can Ch Nahala Davinci's Ain't Too Proud To Beg, FCh,Can FCh, K.Catt DVM/J.Morris |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Uma, Hera's Memory Upgrade, S.Redding/E.Miller |
R4 |
SINGLES Judges: Kathy Sanders, Vern Staack |
Single Flight A(1) |
1. Titus, Ch L-Wynd's Talent Compels A Soul, SC,CA, M.Wagenaar/L.Thorne |
4 |
BASENJI Judge: Carlee Davies |
Open Flight A(2, 1 NQ) |
1. Ziggy, Thor's Vivuli, J.Brader |
B16 |
Field Champion Flight A(4, 1 NQ) |
1. Goodtime Charlie, FC Thor's Goodtime Charlie Got The Blues, LCM3,SC, J.Brader |
R16 |
2. Aqune, FC Thor's Song For A Winter's Night, LCM2,SC, J.Brader |
12 |
3. Winter, FC New World Baridi Ngano, LCM3,MC, J.Brader |
8 |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Merlin, FC Thor's Kikozi, LCM5,SC, J.Brader |
F4 |
BORZOI Judge: Ian Davies |
Open Flight A(4, 1 NQ) |
1. Twistie, FC Spryfeat Titanium With A Twist, SC, W.& F.Erdman |
B16 |
2. Luciano, Teine Zharkov Lucky Luciano, J.& S.Woith |
12 |
3. Rain, Spryfeat Titanium Rain, SC, F.& W.Erdman |
8 |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Fia, Flickering Flame Lights The Way, L.& S.Hynes |
R4 |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Olivia, GCh,DC Toroa's Devil With The Blue Dress, FCh,SC,TD,RN,CGC, C.Gartland |
B8 |
Veteran Flight A(2) |
1. Molly, DC Mystic Isle's Last of the Mohicans, LCM2,VFCh,MC, J.Arvin/S.Gayley |
R8 |
2. Reese, FC Mystic Isle's Southern Cross, LCM3,VFCh,MC,LCX3,CGC, J.Arvin |
6 |
SALUKI Judge: Ian Davies |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Jubilee, Jatara's Jubilee At Sarea, B.Griffith |
B4 |
SCOTTISH DEERHOUND Judge: Carlee Davies |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Coco, Altnamara's Morocco, L.& N.Madden |
B4 |
Field Champion Flight A(1, 1 NQ) |
SINGLES Judge: Carlee Davies |
Single Flight A(2) |
1. Rocky, Rocky Watson, C.& R.Watson |
8 |
2. Felixx, Teine Zharkov Feliks At Phoenixx, J.& P.Schrieber |
6 |
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judge: Carlee Davies |
Open Flight A(3) |
1. Smoky, Siendo's Great Smoky Mts NP, D.Brown |
B12 |
2. Denali, Siendo's Denali NP, D.Hunter/D.Brown |
9 |
3. Cora, Hunter's Run Corvette O Siendo, D.Brown |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Cimarron, Siendo's Cimarron River, FCh, D.Hunter/H.Brown |
F4 |
WHIPPET Judge: Gary Roush |
Open Flight A(5) |
1. Dora, Cherche` Arborlea Something's Afoot, M.Ballard |
F20 |
2. Brooks, Secoya Kindred Spirits, SC, C.Watson |
15 |
3. Ronan, Cali's Ronan The Red Of Saturn, SC,CGC, M.Pick/D.McNamer,DVM |
10 |
4. Splash, Skyspen Splash Of Blue, S.Salisbury |
5 |
N. Maya, Shamasan Moonlit Serenade, J.Negri/P.Booth |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Rain, Hollowell Reflections In The Rain, S.Salisbury |
B4 |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Peacock, Mariner's Miss Peacock In The Study, FCh, R.& P.McNeill |
F4 |
No Best in Field |
BORZOI Judges: Darci Kunard, Claudia Miller |
Open Flight A(6) |
1. T Pet, Kinobi Teacher's Pet, R.P.Campbell c/o M.Pearce |
R24 |
2. Indy, Perlova Avalon Indy Go Zoiboyz, KC Thompson/T.Golcher |
18 |
3. Kane, Zoiboyz Jedawn Resolute Kane, T.Golcher/KC Thompson |
12 |
4. Nelson, Kachina Rosehill Red Headed Stranger, C.Enz |
6 |
N. Sophie, Kirov Windrift Fly So Free, B.Ewing/N.Reimer |
Field Champion Flight A(6) |
1. Aliza, Aliza ay Zoiboyz Rosa Wetrow, KC Thompson/T.Golcher |
B24 |
2. Boots, Del Sol Hermies Boots, FCh, S.Van de Water |
18 |
3. Livvie, FC Zoiboyz Glenlivet Nadurra, FCh,SC,CGC, L.Pocurull |
12 |
4. Firebolt, Ch Del Sol Firebolt of Coburn WNS, FCh,GRC, S.Van de Water |
6 |
N. Hudson, Zoiboyz Hudson, KC Thompson/T.Golcher |
Veteran Flight A(4) |
1. Traveler, UKC Ch Del Sol Endless Traveler WNS, FCh,GRC, S.Van de Water |
F16 |
2. InSanity, Am Ch,UKC GCh Del Sol End of Reason WNS, LCM2,SGRC2, S.Van de Water |
12 |
3. Phoebe, Del Sol Phoebe, LCM3,GRC, S.Van de Water |
8 |
4. Batman, AKC/UKC GCh Del Sol Joker's Gamble, GRC, S.Van de Water |
4 |
GREYHOUND Judges: Darci Kunard, Claudia Miller |
Open Flight A(4) |
1. Starlette, Lakilanni Halfmoon Highwaystar, H.Minnich |
B16 |
2. Brickle, Lakilanni Halfmoon Brick House, H.Minnich |
12 |
3. Bayou, Lakilanni Halfmoon Blue Bayou, H.Minnich |
8 |
4. Presley, Lakilanni Blue Suede Shoes, J.Gaithe |
4 |
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Claudia Miller, Heather Minnich |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Nuri, GCh,DC Sendji's New Coat Of Paint, LCM,RN,VC,CGC,LCX,VC, Phinney/Guinn/Martin/Bednar |
R4 |
Veteran Flight A(2) |
1. Cayman, GCh,DC Mia's Bakhu Risky Business Of Hallam, LCM,MC,RN,HIC,VCX,CA,LCX, D.& M.Kunard |
B8 |
2. Kaba, DC Naha Atomic Blond Revival, LCM,VFCh,RN,OAP,MC,HIC, D.& M.Kunard/C.Davis |
6 |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Darci Kunard, Claudia Miller |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Echo, Ch Rufaro's Good Golly Great Balls Of Fire, TDI,CA, D.& B.Collins/J.Taylor-Cousar |
F4 |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Indigo, GCh, DC Rufaro's Pretty Baby Blues, FCh,MC,RN,CGC,LCX2,GRC, D.& B.Collins |
B4 |
SALUKI Judges: Darci Kunard, Claudia Miller |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Jamiil, GChB Shafiq Blue Nile Jaqmiil, D.& P.Lowe/S.Winsted/M.McMillan |
B8 |
2. Bonnie, Owl Ridge Born To Be Wild, N.Warner/J.Scheinberg |
6 |
SINGLES Judges: Claudia Miller, Heather Minnich |
Single Flight A(5, 1 NQ) |
1. Jerzi, El Zagel Flying To Jersey, TCP, C.Sullivan/D.Britton |
20 |
2. Ibi, Kamaraj Achilles Ibi, R.Phinney/G.Bednar |
15 |
3. Braveheart, Ch Owl Ridge Zip Wyatt, N.Warner/J.Scheinberg |
10 |
4. Callie, Finghin's Shining Star of Kirkham, M. & K.Standerford/E.McMichael |
5 |
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Darci Kunard, Claudia Miller |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Zee, Winsome's Zenyatta of Attaway, M.Pearce/I.Stetson |
F4 |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Cochise, Clayborn's Apach Firedance, C.Buhrdorf |
B4 |
WHIPPET Judges: Darci Kunard, Claudia Miller |
Open Flight A(4, 1 NQ) |
1. Loki, Artistry's Go Forth Young Man, S. & W.Schultheis |
B16 |
3. Rumor, O'Neill N Tru-Luv's Something To Talk About, L.Pocurull/T.Borland |
8 |
2. Devo, Ri Ra's Roman Holiday, W.Schultheia/L. & D.Gideon |
Field Champion Flight A(2) |
1. Ren, Shannon Down Footloose, S.Seay |
R |
2. Chico, Hamrya's Dynamo, FCh,RA,CD,RATN, M.Rubin/D.Lynch |
No Best in Field |
AFGHAN HOUND Judge: Mike Terry |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Storm, Ch Exquisite Red Skye At Night, LCM, D.& L.Reisinger |
B4 |
BORZOI Judge: Mike Terry |
Open Flight A(3, 1 NQ) |
1. Wheels, Ch K-C Windsheer Wheel In The Sky, SC, D.& K.Parks/L.Lanier |
F12 |
2. Lars, K-C's Enter Sandman, SC, K.& D.Parks |
9 |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Journey, Ch Windsheer K-C Lovin' Touchin' Squeezin', FCh,SC, K.Parks/L.Lanier |
B4 |
CIRNECO DELL'ETNA Judge: Mike Terry |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Amadeo, Beauty Of Sicilia Amadeo, R.Fawcett |
B4 |
GREYHOUND Judge: Mike Terry |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Lauren, Lauren Kan Bolt, J.Ng |
B8 |
2. Isis, Fuzz Face Noble, S.Garrick |
6 |
IBIZAN HOUND Judge: Mike Terry |
Field Champion Flight A(5) |
1. Jesse, DC Fusion's Jessica Rabbit, LCM,MC,LCX, K.Radke |
B20 |
2. Kelia, FC Kamar's Enchanted Phoenixxx, FCh,MC,LCX, K.Radke/K.Belz DVM |
15 |
3. Tag, Devillez They Dance, LCM2, R.Devillez |
10 |
4. Whistle, Devillez Stars In The Night, R.Devillez |
5 |
N. Flag, Devillez Sunshine On My Shoulders, R.Devillez |
PHARAOH HOUND Judge: Mike Terry |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Precious, Churuka Mirare Le Diable Rouge, FCh, G.& B.Breitbach/T.Harper/L.Witt |
B4 |
Open Flight A(4) |
1. Scrappy CoCo, Venus' You Don't Mess With The Zohan, D. & K.Parks |
F16 |
2. Dos Equis, FC Venus' Stay Thirsty My Friends, SC, D.& K.Parks |
12 |
3. Double Tap, Venus' Zombieland Rule Number Two, D.& K.Parks |
8 |
4. 6xx, Venus' Zero Dark Thirty, D.& K.Parks |
4 |
Field Champion Flight A(2) |
1. Kinky, FC Venus' Goes Down Good, FCh,SC, L.Lanier/D.& K.Parks |
B8 |
2. Sin, FC Venus' Original Sin Here, FCh,SC, D.& K.Parks |
6 |
SALUKI Judge: Mike Terry |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Ryan, Krimzyn Kumamia Hot New Release, M.F.Miller |
F4 |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Nevi, FC Hawksview's Zoomin' Out Of Nevada, FCh,SC, V.R.Olive/S.Olive |
B4 |
SINGLES Judge: Mike Terry |
Single Flight A(2, 1 NQ) |
1. Hope, FTH December Hope, S.Garrick |
8 |
WHIPPET Judge: Mike Terry |
Open Flight A(9) |
1. Tywin, Shannon Down Raines Of Castamere, S.& K.Lyons |
B36 |
2. Terra, Carbeth The Last Hurrah, J.Ng |
27 |
3. Candy, TNT's Sweet Candy, TNT Kennels |
18 |
4. Shaylee, HH Irish Lullaby, SC, L.Lanier/A.Norwood |
9 |
N. Isaac, Synergy Heart Shaped World, M.Hawemann |
Field Champion Flight A(5) |
1. Zero, Deco Jomyr Sweets To The Sweet, FCh,SC, L.Lanier |
R20 |
2. Max, TNT's Red Son Rising O Cali, FCh, D.& M.L.Richards |
15 |
3. Ethel, Les's Ethel, FCh,SC, M.F.Miller |
10 |
4. Lucy, BII,FC Shirri's Lucy, LCM,SC, M.F.Miller |
5 |
N. Pickles, Elektra SDW Talk To The Paw, FCh,OTR,SC,CRX, S.& K.Lyons |
BEST IN FIELD Judge: Mike Terry |
IB Jesse, DC Fusion's Jessica Rabbit, LCM,MC,LCX, K.Radke |
BIF (77) |
CE Amadeo, Beauty Of Sicilia Amadeo, R.Fawcett |
-75 |
WH Tywin, Shannon Down Raines Of Castamere, S.& K.Lyons |
-75 |
RR Kinky, FC Venus' Goes Down Good, FCh,SC, L.Lanier/D.& K.Parks |
-75 |
BASENJI Judge: Ian Davies |
Field Champion Flight A(5, 2 NQ) |
1. Goodtime Charlie, FC Thor's Goodtime Charlie Got The Blues, LCM3,SC, J.Brader |
B20 |
2. Aqune, FC Thor's Song For A Winter's Night, LCM2,SC, J.Brader |
15 |
3. Merlin, FC Thor's Kikozi, LCM5,SC, J.Brader |
10 |
BORZOI Judge: Carlee Davies |
Open Flight A(3) |
1. Twistie, FC Spryfeat Titanium With A Twist, SC, W.& F.Erdman |
B12 |
2. Luciano, Teine Zharkov Lucky Luciano, J.& S.Woith |
9 |
3. Rain, Spryfeat Titanium Rain, SC, F.& W.Erdman |
6 |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judge: Carlee Davies |
Veteran Flight A(2) |
1. Molly, DC Mystic Isle's Last of the Mohicans, LCM2,VFCh,MC, J.Arvin/S.Gayley |
B8 |
2. Reese, FC Mystic Isle's Southern Cross, LCM3,VFCh,MC,LCX3,CGC, J.Arvin |
6 |
Open Flight A(1, 1 NQ) |
No Best of Breed |
SINGLES Judge: Ian Davies |
Single Flight A(2) |
1. Felixx, Teine Zharkov Feliks At Phoenixx, J.& P.Schrieber |
8 |
2. Rocky, Rocky Watson, C.& R.Watson |
6 |
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judge: Ian Davies |
Open Flight A(3) |
1. Smoky, Siendo's Great Smoky Mts NP, D.Brown |
B12 |
2. Denali, Siendo's Denali NP, D.Hunter/D.Brown |
9 |
3. Cora, Hunter's Run Corvette O Siendo, D.Brown |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Cimarron, Siendo's Cimarron River, FCh, D.Hunter/H.Brown |
F4 |
WHIPPET Judge: Peter Schreiber |
Open Flight A(5) |
1. Brooks, Secoya Kindred Spirits, SC, C.Watson |
R20 |
2. Ronan, Cali's Ronan The Red Of Saturn, SC,CGC, M.Pick/D.McNamer,DVM |
15 |
3. Dora, Cherche` Arborlea Something's Afoot, M.Ballard |
10 |
4. Splash, Skyspen Splash Of Blue, S.Salisbury |
5 |
N. Sophy, Bluestreak Surrey Hill The Grand Sophy At Mariner, A.Fitt/K.Fredericks/K.Lee |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Rain, Hollowell Reflections In The Rain, S.Salisbury |
B20 |
No Best in Field |
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Jennifer Gysler, Darci Kunard |
Open Flight A(3) |
1. Dyson, Wyndolyn Sir Bedlvere, S.Mohler |
B12 |
2. Celeste, Allagante Celestial Starfyre, K.& J.Hicks/P.& K.Sanders |
9 |
3. Woofie, Morgandell Rimfire, C.Carrouche/C.Dell |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Khan, Ch Starfyre Gold Zircon, FCh,ISWS IC,ITD,CGC,JOR, K.& J.Hicks |
R4 |
ITALIAN GREYHOUND Judges: Jennifer Gysler, Darci Kunard |
Field Champion Flight A(5) |
1. Cyrus, FC Nautica Anji's St Cyrus, SC, J.Skoglund/A.Leonard |
B20 |
2. Daisy, FC Princess Daisy Moo Skoglund, FCh,MC,GRC,ORC, J.& J.Skoglund |
15 |
3. Dottie, FC Dottie Skoglund, SC,ORC,SGRC, J.& J.Skogllund |
10 |
4. Willow, FC Anji-Ankhu's St Wiltrudis, FCh,SC,SGRC4,ORC, J. & J.Skoglund |
5 |
N. Dante, Dante Skoglund, FCh,SC,GRC, J.& J.Skoglund |
BASENJI Judges: Carlee Davies, Ian Davies |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Pepper, Flutesong's Isn't She Lovely, C. & S.Weisdorf |
B8 |
2. Ruby, Flutesong's She's Royal, C.& S.Weisdorf |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Freyja, Flutesong's She's Everything, D.& T.Magnan |
R4 |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Osiris, Flutesong's Day Tripper, LCM, D.& T.Magnan |
R4 |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Carlee Davies, Ian Davies |
Open Flight A(4) |
1. Libby, Azize's Liberty Queen, R.L.Marvin |
+B32 |
2. Kynda, Kwetu's Catching Fire With Urafiki, V.Seely |
12 |
3. Oscar, Ridgerunr's Wizard Of Oz Of Urafiki, V.Seely |
8 |
4. Amy, Ridgerunrs Sweeter Than Honey, R.Keller Jr/B.Schmidt |
4 |
Field Champion Flight A(8) |
1. Kingsley, DC Taylormade King Of Hearts, FCh,SC, K.Fennig |
R32 |
2. Nox, DC Taylor Made Nights Watch, FCh,BN,RN,MC,BCAT,CGC, C.& J.Landowski |
24 |
3. Xena, DC Azize's Warrior Princess of Mendocino, SC, T.& W.Olson |
16 |
4. Perry, FC Taylor Made Out Of Carolina, SC,RN,BN,OA,OAJ, B.& T.Moodhart |
8 |
N. McKenzie, DC Taylor Made Out of Savvy, LCM2,SC,RN,MX,MXJ,OF,VCX, B.& T.Moodhart |
SINGLES Judges: Carlee Davies, Ian Davies |
Single Flight A(8, 4 NQ) |
1. Tally, R Star Metallic Moon, S.Apilikowski |
32 |
2. Earl, Ridgerunrs Duke Of Earl, R.Keller Jr/B.Schmidt |
24 |
3. Gustavo, Shamasan Shine On Throught To Swiftcreek, A.Whitney |
16 |
4. Oz, R Star's Orion Ya Zawadi, FCh, V.Seely |
8 |
WHIPPET Judges: Carlee Davies, Ian Davies |
Open Flight A(8, 1 NC) |
1. Pearl, Affinity's Peacock Pearl, J. & K. Winterton |
R28 |
2. Cookie, Ch Affinity's She's One Smart Cookie, N.Schouveller |
21 |
3. Blaze, Northwind's Blaze Of Glory, J.& K.Winterton |
14 |
4. Tempo, Northwind's Syncopated Rhythm, K.Nierengarten/K.Armato |
7 |
N. Raya, Finghin's Raya Sunshine, C.Canard |
Field Champion Flight A(12) |
1. Weasel, Longrun's Dragonheart O'Swiftcreek, FCh, A.Whitney |
B40 |
2. Deuce, Nonstopp Frehley's Comet, FCh,ARX, F.& B.Hearley |
30 |
3. Leni, FC Shamasan I Carry Your Heart, FCh,ARX,DPCX,SC, C.Huzel |
20 |
4. Uschi, Cogshall's Going For Bearoque, FCh,TRP, M.Huff/D.Duffert |
10 |
N. Billy Bob, GCh Affinity's I Got The Will, FCh, C.& A.Rogers/C.Juelfs |
BEST IN FIELD Judges: Carlee Davies, Ian Davies |
RR Libby, Azize's Liberty Queen, R.L.Marvin |
BIF (149) |
BA Pepper, Flutesong's Isn't She Lovely, C. & S.Weisdorf |
-147 |
AFGHAN HOUND Judge: John Arvin |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Storm, Ch Exquisite Red Skye At Night, LCM, D.& L.Reisinger |
B4 |
AZAWAKH Judge: John Arvin |
Open Flight A(1, 1 NQ, 1 DIS) |
DIS. Xolani, BISS,DC Xolani ak Ilaman, TCP,CM2,SC, S.Vadas/C.Kelly |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Alvin, Alvin Ylilar Dab Arcca, FCh, R.Campbell |
B4 |
GREYHOUND Judge: John Arvin |
Open Flight A(3) |
1. Dave, Lakilanni Livin' On Adrenaline, K.Kaltenborn |
B12 |
2. Seger, Lakilanni Turn The Page Story, L.Warden |
9 |
3. Buck, Lakilanni Buck's Hot Rod, K.Kaltenborn |
6 |
PHARAOH HOUND Judge: Jeff Lipps |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Najja, GCh Sharqiya Who Dares Wins, FCh,SC, A.Hamilton/E.Kerridge |
B4 |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Dori, Ch Diamonds Open New Doors, P.Rape |
F8 |
2. Tipsy, DC Diamonds Seven Carat Reflection, SC, P.Rape |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(2) |
1. Moshi, Imarika's Smokey Topaz, FCh, B.A.Dieckman |
B8 |
2. Voodoo, DC Highveld's Black Magic Of Imarika, LCM6,MC,GRC,SOR,ORC, G.& P.Kytta II |
6 |
Veteran Flight A(2, 2 NQ) |
SALUKI Judge: Don White |
Field Champion Flight A(5) |
1. Oonagh, FC Alshira Oonagh Fae Windrush, FCh,SC, J.& K.Lipps |
B20 |
2. Rapp, DC Windrush Protect And Serve, LCM,SC,TCP, K.& J.Lipps |
15 |
3. Xavier, 7Seas Parfait Xavier, FCh,SC, Kelly/Vadas/Kelly-Burns/House |
10 |
4. Ty, Ch Caristeda White Ty Style Windrush, SC, K.& J.Lipps |
5 |
N. Ranger, DC Windrush High Five, LCM2,TCP,SC, K.& J.Lipps |
Veteran Flight A(2) |
1. Vulcan, DC Windrush Duodecuple Vulcan, LCM8,MC,LCX,NA,NAJ, K.& J.Lipps |
F8 |
2. Venus, BII,GCh,DC Windrush Duodecuple Venus, LCM4,MC,LCX, K.& J.Lipps |
6 |
SINGLES Judge: John Arvin |
Single Flight A(2, 1 NQ) |
1. Wu, Forgetmenot Xcitation, A.Rapoport |
8 |
WHIPPET Judge: Don White |
Field Champion Flight A(2) |
1. Scarlet, Wildwood's Red Sky At Night, FCh,TCP,SC,OTR,CR, C.& J.Shoemaker |
B8 |
2. Phoebe, FC Phoebe On the Wing, LCM3,VLCM,MC,LCX,OTR,CR, C.& J.Shoemaker |
6 |
BEST IN FIELD Judge: John Arvin |
AZ Alvin, Alvin Ylilar Dab Arcca, FCh, R.Campbell |
BIF (78) |
SA Oonagh, FC Alshira Oonagh Fae Windrush, FCh,SC, J.& K.Lipps |
-77 |
RR Moshi, Imarika's Smokey Topaz, FCh, B.A.Dieckman |
-76 |
AH Storm, Ch Exquisite Red Skye At Night, LCM, D.& L.Reisinger |
-76 |
WH Scarlet, Wildwood's Red Sky At Night, FCh,TCP,SC,OTR,CR, C.& J.Shoemaker |
-75 |
AFGHAN HOUND Judges: Don Ewing, Dean Wright |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Riff, Ch Paladin Let The Music Play Of Spice Hill, C.Satlof/J.Bedrick/T.Tevlin/Liss |
B4 |
BASENJI Judges: Don Ewing, Dean Wright |
Field Champion Flight A(2) |
1. Chilly, GCh,DC,Can Ch Borassus Hot.Cool.Yours., LCM3,SC,CA,RATN, K.Sanders |
B8 |
2. Henna, GCh,Can Ch Borassus Who's Your Hot Shot, LCM,CA,SC, K.Sanders |
6 |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Searsha, GCh,DC N'Focus Santa Baby, LCM5,MC,GRC,JOR,VB,LCX, K.Sanders |
F4 |
BORZOI Judges: Jeffrey Bedrick, Kathy Sanders |
Open Flight A(3) |
1. Daenarys, Aria'Firestarr's Wild Is The Wind @ Ryhka, D.Darling/R.Rice |
F12 |
2. Foxx, Gladkii Veter Gray Fox, H.Van Vliet |
9 |
3. Manon, Wild Hunt Double Entendre, C.& K.Grabosky |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(5) |
1. Event, Oma De Sala's Ty Kay Event Of Ryhka, FCh,ORC, D.Darling |
F20 |
2. (Zephyr, Kirov Wind Glider At Highpoint, A.& W.Ford) |
3. Blazer, Ch Gladkii Veter Papi, FCh,SC, H.Van Vliet |
10 |
4. Jean Luc, Ch Wildhunt Joie De Vivre At Highpoint, FCh, A.& W.Ford |
5 |
N. Sir Lancelot, Ch C'Lestial Red Lantern @ Ryhka, LCM,SORC,SC, D.Darling/L.Green |
Veteran Flight A(5) |
1. Weston, FC C'Lestial Wild & Wonderful Of Ryhka, LCM4,LCX2,SORC2,MC, D.Darling |
B20 |
2. Kiss, FC C'Lestial White Chocolate Of Ryhka, FCh,VLCM,SC,SORC, D.Darling/L.Green |
15 |
3. Chaya, FC Technetium's Ancient Chaya Sar O'Ryhka, LCM,VFCh,ORC,MC, D.Darling |
10 |
4. Cameo, FC C'Lestial Tec Firecracker Of Ryhka, SC,SORC, D.Darling/L.Green |
5 |
N. Xenon, GCh,DC C'Lestial Southern Xenon Lights of Ryhka, FCh,VFCh,ORC,MC, D.Darling |
GREYHOUND Judges: Jeffrey Bedrick, Kathy Sanders |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Jayden, Hallo Nita Third, D.Darling |
B8 |
2. Blu, DC's Shades of Blu, D.Darling |
6 |
IBIZAN HOUND Judges: Jeffrey Bedrick, Kathy Sanders |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Ivy, Abbaio Glitterati, M.Schnyder/S.Murphy |
B4 |
ITALIAN GREYHOUND Judges: Don Ewing, Dean Wright |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Bailey, Alfheim's Perfect Storm, T. & J.Jones |
R8 |
2. Cody, Frozen Viking's Dudley Winter, SC, T.& J.Jones |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(2) |
1. Ammo, FC Celeste's Lock N' Load, LCM,MC,ORC,SGRC, C.Mulcrone |
B8 |
2. Titus, Satori Titus The Triumphant, FCh, S.Viennas/S.Gaines |
6 |
Veteran Flight A(2) |
1. Magnus, Satori Magnus, FCh,SGRC,ORC, S.Viennas |
R8 |
2. Cassie, FC Celeste's Dark Energy, LCM,MC,SGRC,SOR,ORC, C.Mulcrone |
6 |
IRISH WOLFHOUND Judges: Don Ewing, Dean Wright |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Gyda, Lady Gyda Jeraz Of Odin Ridge Wolves, Z.Willis |
B8 |
2. Olaf, Taliesin's Looking For Trouble, D.& D.Smith |
6 |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Don Ewing, Dean Wright |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Tioga, Kushinda's Burning Action With Legends Of TiogaKB2, Dr.K.,K., & K.Hefner/P.Wieland |
B8 |
2. (Sweet Potato, FC Kushinda's Sweet Potato Tribute To Elephant Joy BB, FCh,SC, Dr.K.,K. & K.Hefner/P.Wieland) |
Field Champion Flight A(2) |
1. Castiel, FC Mwenje's Forbidden Angel, FCh,JOR,MC,ORC,GRC, J.Price |
R8 |
2. Kole`, FC Kito's Love & Luck At Mwenje, FCh,SC,SOR,ORC, J.Price/M.Draper |
6 |
SALUKI Judges: Jeffrey Bedrick, Kathy Sanders |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Leelah, Ch Gemini Jubilee Nephelae, RN, D.Johnson/G.Hofflman |
F4 |
Field Champion Flight A(6) |
1. Nimerah, Tallahamra Nimerah, J.Plugis |
B24 |
2. Tallie, Uziduzit Hawksview Black Talon At Antara, FCh,TCP,SC,RN,,TKI,CGCA, M.C.Fisher/T.Schwartz |
18 |
3. Zydeco, Ch Aspen's Zydeco Zip, FCh,CA,SC, D.Johnson/G.Hoffman |
12 |
4. Adios, FC Adios, FCh, E.Johnston |
6 |
N. Sprint, Ch Karob Sandstorm Sprint Ahead To Antara, CAA,CGCP, M.C.Fisher/T.Schwartz |
SINGLES Judges: Don Ewing, Dean Wright |
Single Flight A(12, 2 NQ) |
1. Nahla, Kushinda Nyota, J.Velling |
40 |
2. Chrysa, Satori Chrysa Astoria Gem, FCh, S.Viennas/S.Gaines |
30 |
3. Kitty, Ch Glamor Kat, E.Johnston |
20 |
4. Fariq, Ch Xass Farah Fariq, S.Meier/F.Farrar |
10 |
N. Hugo, Hugo Toledo, S.McRae |
WHIPPET Judges: Jeffrey Bedrick, Kathy Sanders |
Open Flight A(4, 1 NQ) |
1. MrKey, Shoreline'sRagappleKineticEnergy, I.Matusz/J.Campo |
F16 |
2. Teddy, Merci Isle Fall Finery, C.Potter |
12 |
3. Sprite, Shannon Down Sea To Shining Sea, J.Courtmanche |
8 |
Field Champion Flight A(9) |
1. Tickle, FC Indigo Sweetwood Charged Particle, SC,CR,CGC,RN, P.Obelcz |
B36 |
2. GooRoo, Poeta GooRoovey Hipster, V.Damant |
27 |
3. Eli, ShannonDown If I Can Dream, J.Courtmanche |
18 |
4. Eden, Merci Isle Paradise Garden, FCh, I.& J.Kimmelman |
9 |
N. Leveret, Merci Isle Rhythm Of The Night, H.Frank/I.& J.Kimmelman |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Beastro, Beastro Chadra Sans Dos, FCh, V.Damant/P.Fazekas |
F4 |
BEST IN FIELD Judges: Don Ewing, Dean Wright |
RR Tioga, Kushinda's Burning Action With Legends Of TiogaKB2, Dr.K.,K., & K.Hefner/P.Wieland |
BIF (152, 152) |
WH Tickle, FC Indigo Sweetwood Charged Particle, SC,CR,CGC,RN, P.Obelcz |
(152, 151) |
IB Ivy, Abbaio Glitterati, M.Schnyder/S.Murphy |
-150 |
AH Riff, Ch Paladin Let The Music Play Of Spice Hill, C.Satlof/J.Bedrick/T.Tevlin/Liss |
-148 |
IG Ammo, FC Celeste's Lock N' Load, LCM,MC,ORC,SGRC, C.Mulcrone |
-144 |
BA Chilly, GCh,DC,Can Ch Borassus Hot.Cool.Yours., LCM3,SC,CA,RATN, K.Sanders |
-30 |
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Jennifer Gysler, Darci Kunard |
Open Flight A(3, 1 NC) |
1. Dyson, Wyndolyn Sir Bedlvere, S.Mohler |
F8 |
2. Woofie, Morgandell Rimfire, C.Carrouche/C.Dell |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Khan, Ch Starfyre Gold Zircon, FCh,ISWS IC,ITD,CGC,JOR, K.& J.Hicks |
B4 |
ITALIAN GREYHOUND Judges: Jennifer Gysler, Darci Kunard |
Field Champion Flight A(5) |
1. Cyrus, FC Nautica Anji's St Cyrus, SC, J.Skoglund/A.Leonard |
B20 |
2. Daisy, FC Princess Daisy Moo Skoglund, FCh,MC,GRC,ORC, J.& J.Skoglund |
15 |
3. Dottie, FC Dottie Skoglund, SC,ORC,SGRC, J.& J.Skogllund |
10 |
4. Willow, FC Anji-Ankhu's St Wiltrudis, FCh,SC,SGRC4,ORC, J. & J.Skoglund |
5 |
N. Dante, Dante Skoglund, FCh,SC,GRC, J.& J.Skoglund |
BASENJI Judges: Carlee Davies, Ian Davies |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Pepper, Flutesong's Isn't She Lovely, C. & S.Weisdorf |
B8 |
2. Ruby, Flutesong's She's Royal, C.& S.Weisdorf |
6 |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Carlee Davies, Ian Davies |
Open Flight A(3) |
1. Oscar, Ridgerunr's Wizard Of Oz Of Urafiki, V.Seely |
R12 |
2. Kynda, Kwetu's Catching Fire With Urafiki, V.Seely |
9 |
3. Amy, Ridgerunrs Sweeter Than Honey, R.Keller Jr/B.Schmidt |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(8) |
1. Xena, DC Azize's Warrior Princess of Mendocino, SC, T.& W.Olson |
B32 |
2. Kingsley, DC Taylormade King Of Hearts, FCh,SC, K.Fennig |
24 |
3. Nox, DC Taylor Made Nights Watch, FCh,BN,RN,MC,BCAT,CGC, C.& J.Landowski |
16 |
4. Perry, FC Taylor Made Out Of Carolina, SC,RN,BN,OA,OAJ, B.& T.Moodhart |
8 |
N. (Bayden, Ch Talyor Made Out Of McKenzie Two, SC, B.& T.Moodhart) |
SINGLES Judges: Carlee Davies, Ian Davies |
Single Flight A(6, 2 NQ) |
1. Finnick, Bruach's Finest Tribute From Four, J.Parrow |
24 |
2. Felix, Sporting Fileds Dashing Line In The Sand, K.& P. Krahn/D.& G.Samuelson |
18 |
3. Earl, Ridgerunrs Duke Of Earl, R.Keller Jr/B.Schmidt |
12 |
4. Tally, R Star Metallic Moon, S.Apilikowski |
6 |
No Best of Breed |
WHIPPET Judges: Carlee Davies, Ian Davies |
Open Flight A(7, 1 NQ, 1 NC) |
1. Dasher, Affinity Oh Dasher Deer, T.& M.Briggs |
R24 |
2. Raya, Finghin's Raya Sunshine, C.Canard |
18 |
3. Cookie, Ch Affinity's She's One Smart Cookie, N.Schouveller |
12 |
4. Tempo, Northwind's Syncopated Rhythm, K.Nierengarten/K.Armato |
6 |
N. Chip, Northwind's Frito Bandito, TCP, S.& T.DePottey/K.Nierengarten |
Field Champion Flight A(9) |
1. Weasel, Longrun's Dragonheart O'Swiftcreek, FCh, A.Whitney |
B36 |
2. June, Ch Affinity's Time's A Wastin, FCh, C.& A.Rogers/C.Juelfs |
27 |
3. Winnie, Finghin's Winsome Pirate Grrl, FCh, C.Canard |
18 |
4. Nelson, Affinity's Redneck Revival, FCh, C.Juelfs/A.& C.Rogers |
9 |
N. Pistol, Affinity's I Feel A Sin Comin On, C.Juelfs/C.& A.Rogers |
No Best in Field |
AFGHAN HOUND Judge: Jeff Lipps |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Storm, Ch Exquisite Red Skye At Night, LCM, D.& L.Reisinger |
B4 |
GREYHOUND Judge: Jeff Lipps |
Open Flight A(3) |
1. Seger, Lakilanni Turn The Page Story, L.Warden |
B12 |
2. Dave, Lakilanni Livin' On Adrenaline, K.Kaltenborn |
9 |
3. Buck, Lakilanni Buck's Hot Rod, K.Kaltenborn |
6 |
PHARAOH HOUND Judge: Don White |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Najja, GCh Sharqiya Who Dares Wins, FCh,SC, A.Hamilton/E.Kerridge |
B4 |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Moshi, Imarika's Smokey Topaz, FCh, B.A.Dieckman |
B4 |
Veteran Flight A(3) |
1. Voodoo, DC Highveld's Black Magic Of Imarika, LCM6,MC,GRC,SOR,ORC, G.& P.Kytta II |
F12 |
2. Molly, DC Mystic Isle's Last of the Mohicans, LCM2,VFCh,MC, J.Arvin/S.Gayley |
9 |
3. Reese, FC Mystic Isle's Southern Cross, LCM3,VFCh,MC,LCX3,CGC, J.Arvin |
6 |
SALUKI Judge: John Arvin |
Field Champion Flight A(5, 2 NQ) |
1. Oonagh, FC Alshira Oonagh Fae Windrush, FCh,SC, J.& K.Lipps |
B20 |
2. Ranger, DC Windrush High Five, LCM2,TCP,SC, K.& J.Lipps |
15 |
3. Malone, DC Windrush Magellan Billet, LCM,SC,TCP, K. & J.Lipps |
10 |
Veteran Flight A(2) |
1. Vulcan, DC Windrush Duodecuple Vulcan, LCM8,MC,LCX,NA,NAJ, K.& J.Lipps |
F8 |
2. Venus, BII,GCh,DC Windrush Duodecuple Venus, LCM4,MC,LCX, K.& J.Lipps |
6 |
SINGLES Judge: Don White |
Single Flight A(2, 1 NQ) |
1. Wu, Forgetmenot Xcitation, A.Rapoport |
8 |
No Best of Breed |
WHIPPET Judge: John Arvin |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Cammie, Secoya Pefect Game, J.Coy |
B8 |
2. Isaak, GCh Templar Wicked Game, J.Coy |
6 |
No Best in Field |
BASENJI Judges: Bob Marciszewski, Dean Wright |
Field Champion Flight A(2) |
1. Chilly, GCh,DC,Can Ch Borassus Hot.Cool.Yours., LCM3,SC,CA,RATN, K.Sanders |
B8 |
2. Henna, GCh,Can Ch Borassus Who's Your Hot Shot, LCM,CA,SC, K.Sanders |
6 |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Searsha, GCh,DC N'Focus Santa Baby, LCM5,MC,GRC,JOR,VB,LCX, K.Sanders |
F4 |
BORZOI Judges: Don Ewing, Dean Wright |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Zephyr, Kirov Wind Glider At Highpoint, A.& W.Ford |
+B20 |
2. Daenarys, Aria'Firestarr's Wild Is The Wind @ Ryhka, D.Darling/R.Rice |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(2) |
1. Event, Oma De Sala's Ty Kay Event Of Ryhka, FCh,ORC, D.Darling |
R8 |
2. Sir Lancelot, Ch C'Lestial Red Lantern @ Ryhka, LCM,SORC,SC, D.Darling/L.Green |
6 |
Veteran Flight A(5) |
1. Kiss, FC C'Lestial White Chocolate Of Ryhka, FCh,VLCM,SC,SORC, D.Darling/L.Green |
F20 |
2. Weston, FC C'Lestial Wild & Wonderful Of Ryhka, LCM4,LCX2,SORC2,MC, D.Darling |
15 |
3. Xenon, GCh,DC C'Lestial Southern Xenon Lights of Ryhka, FCh,VFCh,ORC,MC, D.Darling |
10 |
4. Chaya, FC Technetium's Ancient Chaya Sar O'Ryhka, LCM,VFCh,ORC,MC, D.Darling |
5 |
N. Cameo, FC C'Lestial Tec Firecracker Of Ryhka, SC,SORC, D.Darling/L.Green |
GREYHOUND Judges: Don Ewing, Dean Wright |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Jayden, Hallo Nita Third, D.Darling |
B8 |
2. Blu, DC's Shades of Blu, D.Darling |
6 |
IBIZAN HOUND Judges: Don Ewing, Dean Wright |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Ivy, Abbaio Glitterati, M.Schnyder/S.Murphy |
B4 |
ITALIAN GREYHOUND Judges: Jeffrey Bedrick, Kathy Sanders |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Bailey, Alfheim's Perfect Storm, T. & J.Jones |
R8 |
2. Cody, Frozen Viking's Dudley Winter, SC, T.& J.Jones |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(4) |
1. Magnus, Satori Magnus, FCh,SGRC,ORC, S.Viennas |
B16 |
2. Titus, Satori Titus The Triumphant, FCh, S.Viennas/S.Gaines |
12 |
3. Ammo, FC Celeste's Lock N' Load, LCM,MC,ORC,SGRC, C.Mulcrone |
8 |
4. Cassie, FC Celeste's Dark Energy, LCM,MC,SGRC,SOR,ORC, C.Mulcrone |
4 |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Jeffrey Bedrick, Kathy Sanders |
Field Champion Flight A(2) |
1. Kole`, FC Kito's Love & Luck At Mwenje, FCh,SC,SOR,ORC, J.Price/M.Draper |
B8 |
2. Castiel, FC Mwenje's Forbidden Angel, FCh,JOR,MC,ORC,GRC, J.Price |
6 |
SALUKI Judges: Don Ewing, Dean Wright |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Leelah, Ch Gemini Jubilee Nephelae, TCP,RN,SC, D.Johnson/G.Hofflman |
+F4 |
Field Champion Flight A(4) |
1. Nimerah, Tallahamra Nimerah, J.Plugis |
B16 |
2. Tallie, Uziduzit Hawksview Black Talon At Antara, FCh,TCP,SC,RN,,TKI,CGCA, M.C.Fisher/T.Schwartz |
12 |
3. Adios, FC Adios, FCh, E.Johnston |
8 |
4. Sprint, Ch Karob Sandstorm Sprint Ahead To Antara, CAA,CGCP, M.C.Fisher/T.Schwartz |
4 |
SINGLES Judges: Bob Marciszewski, Dean Wright |
Single Flight A(8, 1 NQ) |
1. Chrysa, Satori Chrysa Astoria Gem, FCh, S.Viennas/S.Gaines |
32 |
2. Koublah, Tallahamra Koublah, J.Plugis |
24 |
3. Hugo, Hugo Toledo, S.McRae |
16 |
4. Fariq, Ch Xass Farah Fariq, S.Meier/F.Farrar |
8 |
N. Giggles, One More Laugh, FCh,TCP, E.Johnston |
No Best of Breed |
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Jeffrey Bedrick, Kathy Sanders |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Ranger, SummersSpirit Chipolte, SGRC3,SOR,ORC, C.Hayes |
B8 |
2. Mouse, CSB Agent Three Blind Mice, S.& C.Beckeman/C.Tucci |
6 |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Hudson, UKC Ch Fantasy Farms Puccini, FCh,ISWS FCh,SGRC,JOR, C.Hayes |
F4 |
WHIPPET Judges: Kathy Sanders, Dean Wright |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. MrKey, Shoreline'sRagappleKineticEnergy, I.Matusz/J.Campo |
+F8 |
2. Sprite, Shannon Down Sea To Shining Sea, J.Courtmanche |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(8, 1 NQ) |
1. Teddy, Merci Isle Fall Finery, C.Potter |
B32 |
2. Eli, ShannonDown If I Can Dream, J.Courtmanche |
24 |
3. Leveret, Merci Isle Rhythm Of The Night, H.Frank/I.& J.Kimmelman |
16 |
4. Eden, Merci Isle Paradise Garden, FCh, I.& J.Kimmelman |
8 |
N. Scooter, FC WGASA Scooter Pie O TNT, LCM9,SC, D.& N.Ewing/L.& D.Richards |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Tesseract, Ragapple Wrinkle In Time, FCh, A.Mark |
F4 |
BEST IN REGIONAL INVITATIONAL Judges: Jeff Bedrick, Bob Marciszewski |
BA Chilly, GCh,DC,Can Ch Borassus Hot.Cool.Yours., LCM3,SC,CA,RATN, K.Sanders |
151 |
BZ Zephyr, Kirov Wind Glider At Highpoint, A.& W.Ford |
BIE 152 |
IB Ivy, Abbaio Glitterati, M.Schnyder/S.Murphy |
147 |
IG Ammo, FC Celeste's Lock N' Load, LCM,MC,ORC,SGRC, C.Mulcrone |
20 |
IG Magnus, Satori Magnus, FCh,SGRC,ORC, S.Viennas |
10 |
RR Kole`, FC Kito's Love & Luck At Mwenje, FCh,SC,SOR,ORC, J.Price/M.Draper |
15 |
WH Teddy, Merci Isle Fall Finery, C.Potter |
151 |
BASENJI Judge: Will Martens |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Daisy, Ch Joy-Us Oh Happy Daisy, S.Joyner |
R4 |
Field Champion Flight A(3, 1 NQ) |
1. Taziri, GCh,DC Joy-Us Hung The Moon, LCM,SC,SORC,SGRC,VB, T.Colbert |
F12 |
2. Ari, GCh,DC Jadaka's Independent Spirit, LCM,CPX,SC,SGRC5,SORC7, T.Colbert |
9 |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Zuri, GCh,DC Jerlin's Our Zuri Pupin, LCM,VLCM6,MC,SGRC3,LCX, T.Colbert |
B12 |
BORZOI Judge: Will Martens |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Shera, C'Lestial Berried Treasure, E.B.Luiostanski |
B4 |
GREYHOUND Judge: Will Martens |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Hercules, UAG1,UWP,UCP,UR03,DC Lakilanni Hercules El Kandahar, FCh,CD,RN, L.Hayes |
B4 |
PHARAOH HOUND Judge: Will Martens |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Phizzie, Charmedwons Phuture's Effervescent Morning Star, C.Johnson/J.Gwin |
B4 |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Precious, Churuka Mirare Le Diable Rouge, FCh, G.& B.Breitbach/T.Harper/L.Witt |
R4 |
Field Champion Flight A(7) |
1. Kingsley, DC Taylormade King Of Hearts, FCh,SC, K.Fennig |
B28 |
2. Xena, DC Azize's Warrior Princess of Mendocino, SC, T.& W.Olson |
21 |
3. Nox, DC Taylor Made Nights Watch, FCh,BN,RN,MC,BCAT,CGC, C.& J.Landowski |
14 |
4. Perry, FC Taylor Made Out Of Carolina, SC,RN,BN,OA,OAJ, B.& T.Moodhart |
7 |
N. Micah, Taylor Made Out of McKenzie, SC, B. & T.Moodhart |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Euro, Ch Oluchi Legend Has It, FCh,RN, T.Ragatz/M.Alonso |
F4 |
SALUKI Judge: Will Martens |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Akamai, DC Karob Sandstorm Faster Forward, SC, R.& K.Frost |
B16 |
2. Lily, Farashah Pearl Crescent SM, P.Rodden/C.Hahn |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(4) |
1. Jamilah, Ch Farashah Dotted Checkerspot SM, C.Hahn |
R16 |
2. Jassirah, FC Farashah Little Metalmark SM, SC,GRC, C.Hahn/J.Rhodes |
12 |
3. Honky Cat, FC Carnis' Canem-Dei Honky Cat, LCM2,SC, C.Hahn/D.Schmidt |
8 |
4. Glimmer, Marrakech Glimmer of Canem Dei SM, LCM,SC, C.Hahn/J.Rhodes |
4 |
SINGLES Judge: Will Martens |
Single Flight A(4) |
1. Janie, Ch Windrock Look Who's Talking At Sheffield, C.Halliday |
16 |
2. Blaze, Aeolus Simply Blazin', M.Grodey |
12 |
3. Q, Ch Willabe Quiet About It, K.& D.Carlson/J.Schroeder |
8 |
4. Wings, Twin Elm's Wings, A.& C.Montex/S.Breaz |
4 |
No Best of Breed |
WHIPPET Judge: Will Martens |
Field Champion Flight A(2) |
1. U, FC Free Wynd's It Had To Be U, LCM3,SC,OTR, D.Syrja |
B8 |
2. Prada, FC Do It Just A Fashion Trend, LCM3,SC,OTR, D.Syrja |
6 |
No Best in Field |
BASENJI Judges: Frank Cassano, Tom Golcher |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Cooper, Chiya's Teazer My Aim Is Tru, SC, M.& L.Carter/S.Cheng |
B4 |
BORZOI Judges: Frank Cassano, Dan Heidel |
Open Flight A(3) |
1. Kane, Zoiboyz Jedawn Resolute Kane, T.Golcher/KC Thompson |
F12 |
2. T Pet, Kinobi Teacher's Pet, R.P.Campbell c/o M.Pearce |
9 |
3. Indy, Perlova Avalon Indy Go Zoiboyz, KC Thompson/T.Golcher |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(5) |
1. Aliza, Aliza ay Zoiboyz Rosa Wetrow, KC Thompson/T.Golcher |
B20 |
2. Livvie, FC Zoiboyz Glenlivet Nadurra, FCh,SC,CGC, L.Pocurull |
15 |
3. Hamilton, Zoiboyz Hamilton, FCh, KC Thompson/T.Golcher |
10 |
4. Hudson, Zoiboyz Hudson, KC Thompson/T.Golcher |
5 |
N. Guinness, FC Zoiboyz Guinness, FCh,SC, T.Golcher/KC Thompson |
CIRNECO DELL'ETNA Judges: Tom Golcher, Dan Heidel |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Dar'in, Dare To Dream d'Lea, J.Gates/P.Qualls |
R4 |
Field Champion Flight A(2) |
1. Phoenix, Ch Fly By Night D'Lea, J.Gates/P.Qualls |
B8 |
2. Kia, Chiaramenti d'Lea, FCh,SC, J.Gates/P.Qualls |
6 |
IRISH WOLFHOUND Judges: Tom Golcher, Dan Heidel |
Open Flight A(5, 1 NQ) |
1. Punkin, Prairie Creek Pretty Pricilla, C.Smalley/M.Wolfe/J.Mattson |
B20 |
2. Essie, Pinehurst Essie, K.Catov-Goodell |
15 |
3. Kline, Winterdream Kline Of Pinehurst, K.Catov-Goodell |
10 |
4. Kaviar, Ch Winterdream Kaviar Of Pinehurst, K.Catov-Goodell/M.Ryan/K.Surdal |
5 |
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Tom Golcher, Dan Heidel |
Veteran Flight A(2) |
1. Cayman, GCh,DC Mia's Bakhu Risky Business Of Hallam, LCM,MC,RN,HIC,VCX,CA,LCX, D.& M.Kunard |
B8 |
2. Kaba, DC Naha Atomic Blond Revival, LCM,VFCh,RN,OAP,MC,HIC, D.& M.Kunard/C.Davis |
6 |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Frank Cassano, Tom Golcher |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Echo, Ch Rufaro's Good Golly Great Balls Of Fire, TDI,CA, D.& B.Collins/J.Taylor-Cousar |
F4 |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Indigo, GCh, DC Rufaro's Pretty Baby Blues, FCh,MC,RN,CGC,LCX2,GRC, D.& B.Collins |
B4 |
SINGLES Judges: Tom Golcher, Dan Heidel |
Single Flight A(4, 1 NQ) |
1. Ryder, Artistry's Go For Broke, C.Scott/L.Jordan |
16 |
2. Jade, Jade Sanders, L.Sanders |
12 |
3. Buckley, Carbeth Big Bucks, L.Sanders |
8 |
No Best of Breed |
WHIPPET Judges: Frank Cassano, Tom Golcher |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Merlin, Crossfyre No Regrets, E.& J.Wong |
R4 |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Ren, Shannon Down Footloose, S.Seay |
B4 |
No Best in Field |