Lori Zorbaugh
1900 Normandie Drive
York, Pennsylvania
Phone: 717-764-6921
Fax: 1-413-228-4773
Records 101
Records - August 2018 Trial Results
Trial Result Codes |
Stake (#, 2NQ, Dis/DQ) - the first number indicates the number of hounds competing for points and determines the number of points awarded in that stake |
The numbers following indicate hounds which are non-qualifying, dismissed/disqualified and "NC" denotes those hounds that were absent, pulled before running the preliminary run, were excused or received an -0- during the prelininary run and do not count when calculating points. |
B = Best of Breed |
R = Runoff |
T = Tie |
E = Excused |
F = Runoff Forfeited |
(hound name) = hound is ineligible to be entered in that stake. Points/ placements remain the same for all other hounds in that stake. |
MASON DIXON IBIZAN HOUND CLUB Aug 05, 2018 Littlestown, PA Entry: 36 Sighthound Spree |
MIDWEST COURSING CLUB Aug 18, 2018 Caledonia, WI Entry: 33 |
MIDWEST COURSING CLUB Aug 19, 2018 Caledonia, WI Entry: 30 |
OKI GAZEHOUND ORGANIZATION Aug 25, 2018 Yellow Springs, OH Entry: 31 |
OKI GAZEHOUND ORGANIZATION Aug 26, 2018 Yellow Springs, OH Entry: 38 |
PHAROAH HOUND CLUB OF AMERICA, Inc. Aug 30, 2018 Lexington, KY Entry: 13 Pharoah Hound Specialty |
CENTRAL OHIO AREA COURSING HOUNDS Aug 31, 2018 Rayland, OH Entry: 12 |
AFGHAN HOUND Judge: Bob Marciszewski |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Revel, Aqua's Dance On Little Girl At Zen, E.Klosson/S.Ferraro |
B4 |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Zephyr, FC Zen Can't Catch Me!, FCh,SC, E.Klosson |
F4 |
BASENJI Judge: Bob Marciszewski |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Coco, Borassus Cuckoo For Coco Puffs, K.Sanders/A.Silverstein/Cholewa |
+F4 |
Field Champion Flight A(3) |
1. Chilly, GCh,DC,Can Ch Borassus Hot.Cool.Yours., LCM5,SC,CA,RATN, K.Sanders |
B12 |
2. Patti, Borassus Doin'er Job, K.Sanders/A.Silverstein/Cholewa |
9 |
3. Henna, GCh,Can Ch Borassus Who's Your Hot Shot, LCM3,CA,SC,RATI, K.Sanders |
6 |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Searsha, GCh,DC N'Focus Santa Baby, LCM5,VFCh,MC,GRC,JOR,LCX, K.Sanders |
F4 |
Open Flight A(5) |
1. Izzy, Adriatic Sams Ivy Blossom,G.& J.Pulliam/C.Ellingson |
F20 |
2. Reko, Orchard View's Honorable Reko, J.Trombetta |
15 |
3. Tia, Zenonia's Palpopleura Portia, SC, N.Newton |
10 |
4. Cecil, Juba Lee's Cicil Karoo, A.Kidwell |
5 |
N. Maggie, T'Daz Maggie Victoria, A.Kidwell |
Field Champion Flight A(2) |
1. Vera, GCh,DC Mystic Isle's Bugatti Veyron, LCM,MC, J.Arvin/S.Gayley |
R8 |
2. Enzo, Mystic Isle's Ferrari Enzo, FCh, J.Arvin/S.Gayley |
6 |
Veteran Flight A(3) |
1. Juno, GCh,DC Kushinda's Burning News This Just In Juno Wrote JB, FCh,SC, P.Wieland/Dr.Hefner/K.&K.Hefner |
B20 |
2. Molly, DC Mystic Isle's Last of the Mohicans, LCM2,VFCh,MC,LCX, J.Arvin/S.Gayley |
9 |
3. Reese, FC Mystic Isle's Southern Cross, LCM3,VLCM2,MC,LCX3,CGC, J.Arvin |
6 |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Diggy, Bruach's Foldiggary Dame, L.Frazier |
B4 |
SINGLES Judge: Dean Wright |
Single Flight A(8, 1 NQ) |
1. Rubi, Aruba Sunny Alhaya, A.Silano |
32 |
2. GRRace, Cherche' GRRace O'Malley, R.Bowman-Mealey |
24 |
3. Zac, GCh Zen-Pahlavi You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet, E.Klosson/K.Wagner |
16 |
4. Rishi, T'Daz Rishi Vortex Traveler, M.Pomato/B.Haner |
8 |
N. Falcor, Ragapple Ride The Dragons Wing, A.Mark |
WHIPPET Judge: Dean Wright |
Open Flight A(4) |
1. Comet, Moonshadow's Shotting Star By T'Daz, D.& J.Myers |
B24 |
2. Jimi, T'Daz Geminid Meteor Rock(s) It, B.Haner |
12 |
3. Tahoe, Snow Hill Tango, R.Bowman-Mealey |
8 |
4. (Argyle, Mariner's Sock Monkey Of Terrena, T.Deluca/A.Tune) |
Field Champion Flight A(6) |
1. Kenai, Licketysplit Keen Eye For D'Tail, FCh, R.Bowman-Mealy |
R24 |
2. Rasher, DC Terrena's And The Crowd Goes Wild, FCh,SC, M.Morton/D.Hursh |
18 |
3. iMac, Licketysplit Apple O'My Eye, L.Frazier |
12 |
4. LeBronze, Ch Surrey Hill Mariner Butter Off In Cleveland, SC, M.Mortin/D.Hursh |
6 |
N. Juice, Terrena's Squeeze My Lemon, FCh, M.Mortin/D.Hursh |
No Best in Field |
ITALIAN GREYHOUND Judge: Justin Dannenbring |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Diego, Anji Donato Froge To Victory At OC, J.& J.Skoglund/A.Leonard |
B4 |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Cyrus, BII,FC Nautica Anji's St Cyrus, LCM,SC, J.Skoglund/A.Leonard |
F4 |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judge: Justin Dannenbring |
Open Flight A(2, 1 NQ) |
1. Kumi, Tigris African Magic, SC,CA,CGCA,CGCU,TKN, L.D'Antonio |
B8 |
SALUKI Judge: Jennifer Gysler |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Khaleesi, Rataki Wanda Khaleesi, A.& D.Wienick |
B4 |
SINGLES Judge: Justin Dannenbring |
Single Flight A(1, 1 NQ) |
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Justin Dannenbring, Jennifer Gysler |
Field Champion Flight A(3) |
1. Sahara, MGCh Allagante Sahara Starfyre, FCh,SRC,RA,EC,GRC,CD, K.& J.Hicks |
B12 |
2. Smoky, UKC Ch Starfyre Smoky Quartz, FCh, J.& K.Hicks |
9 |
3. Khan, Ch Starfyre Gold Zircon, FCh,ISWS IC,ITD,CGC,JOR,, K.& J.Hicks |
6 |
WHIPPET Judge: Jennifer Gysler |
Open Flight A(3) |
1. B, FC Nasusa Hamyrd After All, SC, K.Maki/D.Lynch |
B12 |
2. Manning, Chelsea Mannng Up At Countrywind, SC, R.Plummer |
9 |
3. Biscuti, Tarrango Lynallan Seabiscuit, K.Maki/J.Council/S.Nordstorm |
6 |
BEST IN FIELD Judge: Justin Dannenbring |
SA Khaleesi, Rataki Wanda Khaleesi, A.& D.Wienick |
BIF (151) |
IG Diego, Anji Donato Froge To Victory At OC, J.& J.Skoglund/A.Leonard |
-146 |
BORZOI Judge: Justin Dannenbring |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Tzar, Wine And Glory, E.Lopez/L.Jimenez |
B4 |
GREYHOUND Judge: Justin Dannenbring |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Willow, Windrock Let Them Talk, A.Somers-Pack/S.Pack |
B4 |
ITALIAN GREYHOUND Judge: Jennifer Gysler |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Diego, Anji Donato Froge To Victory At OC, J.& J.Skoglund/A.Leonard |
+F4 |
Field Champion Flight A(5, 1 NQ) |
1. Cyrus, BII,FC Nautica Anji's St Cyrus, LCM,SC, J.Skoglund/A.Leonard |
B20 |
2. Willow, FC Anji-Ankhu's St Wiltrudis, LCM,SC,SGRC4,ORC, J. & J.Skoglund |
15 |
3. Daisy, FC Princess Daisy Moo Skoglund, LCM,MC,GRC,ORC, J.& J.Skoglund |
10 |
4. Dottie, FC Dottie Skoglund, LCM,SC,ORC,SGRC, J.& J.Skogllund |
5 |
PHARAOH HOUND Judge: Jennifer Gysler |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Jett, FC Enigma Silver Seraph, SC, C.Wilderson/P.McCleskey |
B8 |
2. Rocco, DC XO Endymion, MC, P.McCleskey/C.Wilerson |
6 |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judge: Jennifer Gysler |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Kumi, Tigris African Magic, SC,CA,CGCA,CGCU,TKN, L.D'Antonio |
B4 |
SALUKI Judge: Justin Dannenbring |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Khaleesi, Rataki Wanda Khaleesi, A.& D.Wienick |
B4 |
SINGLES Judge: Jennifer Gysler |
Single Flight A(2, 1 NQ) |
1. Sivi, Summerstar Stairway To Heaven, K.Torres |
8 |
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judge: Justin Dannenbring |
Field Champion Flight A(3) |
1. Sahara, MGCh Allagante Sahara Starfyre, FCh,SRC,RA,EC,GRC,CD, K.& J.Hicks |
B12 |
2. Smoky, UKC Ch Starfyre Smoky Quartz, FCh, J.& K.Hicks |
9 |
3. Khan, Ch Starfyre Gold Zircon, FCh,ISWS IC,ITD,CGC,JOR,, K.& J.Hicks |
6 |
WHIPPET Judge: Justin Dannenbring |
Open Flight A(5) |
1. Manning, Chelsea Mannng Up At Countrywind, SC, R.Plummer |
+B20 |
2. Oliver, Arwen There And Back Again, SC, B.Friedland/L.Webster/L.Donohoe |
15 |
3. Mildred, Arwen Imagine, L.Webster/B.Friedland |
10 |
4. B, FC Nasusa Hamyrd After All, SC, K.Maki/D.Lynch |
5 |
N. Biscuti, Tarrango Lynallan Seabiscuit, K.Maki/J.Council/S.Nordstorm |
BEST IN FIELD Judges: Justin Dannenbring, Jennifer Gysler |
WH Manning, Chelsea Mannng Up At Countrywind, SC, R.Plummer |
BIF (158) |
SA Khaleesi, Rataki Wanda Khaleesi, A.& D.Wienick |
-157 |
PH Jett, FC Enigma Silver Seraph, SC, C.Wilderson/P.McCleskey |
-155 |
IG Cyrus, BII,FC Nautica Anji's St Cyrus, LCM,SC, J.Skoglund/A.Leonard |
-153 |
SW Sahara, MGCh Allagante Sahara Starfyre, FCh,SRC,RA,EC,GRC,CD, K.& J.Hicks |
-24 |
AFGHAN HOUND Judge: Gregory Breitbach |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Tango, FC Debmar's Surrender To The Dance, FCh,SC,SOR,ORC, V.Fagre-Stroetz |
B4 |
AZAWAKH Judge: Gregory Breitbach |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Axel, Allalwansahel Axiocrses Borealis, J.Martin |
B4 |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Journey Man, Ch Ettebel Ajouren, CA, J.Martin |
F4 |
BASENJI Judge: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Luke, FC Dakotah's Cool Hound Luke, SC, T.& L.Lemberger |
B4 |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Ellie, Dakotah's Chantellie Lace, T.& L.Lemberger |
F4 |
BORZOI Judge: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz |
Open Flight A(1, 1 NQ) |
CHART POLSKI Judge: Jean Martin |
Limited Flight A(1) |
1. Taku, Fernmark Chart Blunderbuss, L.Duncan |
4 |
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz, Jean Martin |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Precious, Churuka Mirare Le Diable Rouge, FCh, G.& B.Breitbach/T.Harper/L.Witt |
B4 |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judge: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Lacy, Terracotta's Chantilly Lace, J.Kuszynski |
R8 |
2. Sergeant, Luvakis Kindoro's True Patriot At Oluchi, T.& J.Ragatz/T.West-Holmes |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(9) |
1. Xena, DC, UCh Azize's Warrior Princess of Mendocino, LCM,SC, T.& W.Olson |
B36 |
2. Winter, Ch,U-Ch Azize's Baby It's Cold Outside, FCh, T.& W.Olson |
27 |
3. Libby, Azize's Liberty Queen, FCh,CA,SC, R.L.Marvin |
18 |
4. Micah, FC Taylor Made Out of McKenzie, FCh,SC, B. & T.Moodhart |
9 |
N. Perry, FC Taylor Made Out Of Carolina, FCh,SC,RN,BN,OA,OAJ, B.& T.Moodhart |
Veteran Flight A(2) |
1. McKenzie, DC Taylor Made Out of Savvy, LCM2,VFCh,SC,RN,MX,MXJ, B.& T.Moodhart |
F8 |
2. Vicky, GCh,DC,U-Ch Azize's Queen Victoria Of Diamonds, VFCh,SC, T.& W.Olson |
6 |
SALUKI Judge: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. George, GCh Aeolus Let 'Em Talk, K.& D.Carlson |
B8 |
2. Cheers, Ch Aeolus Ring Of Fire, K.& D.Carlson/M.Grodey |
6 |
SINGLES Judge: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz |
Single Flight A(3, 2 NQ) |
1. Rocket, Joy-Us Shoot For The Moon, TCP, J.Cook |
12 |
WHIPPET Judges: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz, Jean Martin |
Open Flight A(5) |
1. Roxie, Rusalka Dancing The Dream At Sheffield, SC, C.Halliday/J.Beach-Buda |
F20 |
2. Piper, Amherst Woods Affinity's Heart, C.& A.Rogers/C.Juelfs |
15 |
3. Marky, Terrena's Good Vibrations At Noralor, K.Siehndel/J.Siehndel |
10 |
4. Bender, Terrena's On A Bender At Noralor, SC,ARX,TRP, J.& K.Siehndel |
5 |
N. Wyatt, Laurel White Royalton, H.Schultz |
Field Champion Flight A(2) |
1. Leni, FC Shamasan I Carry Your Heart, LCM,ARX,DPCX,SC, C.Huzel |
B8 |
2. June, Ch Affinity's Time's A Wastin, FCh, C.& A.Rogers/C.Juelfs |
6 |
No Best in Field |
AFGHAN HOUND Judge: Kevin Carlson |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Tango, FC Debmar's Surrender To The Dance, FCh,SC,SOR,ORC, V.Fagre-Stroetz |
B4 |
AZAWAKH Judge: Kevin Carlson |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Axel, Allalwansahel Axiocrses Borealis, J.Martin |
B4 |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Journey Man, Ch Ettebel Ajouren, CA, J.Martin |
F4 |
BASENJI Judge: Jean Martin |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Luke, FC Dakotah's Cool Hound Luke, SC, T.& L.Lemberger |
B4 |
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Kevin Carlson, Vicki Fagre-Stroetz |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Precious, Churuka Mirare Le Diable Rouge, FCh, G.& B.Breitbach/T.Harper/L.Witt |
B4 |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Lacy, Terracotta's Chantilly Lace, J.Kuszynski |
R8 |
2. Sergeant, Luvakis Kindoro's True Patriot At Oluchi, T.& J.Ragatz/T.West-Holmes |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(9, 1 NQ) |
1. Micah, FC Taylor Made Out of McKenzie, FCh,SC, B. & T.Moodhart |
B36 |
2. Kingsley, DC Taylor Made King Of Hearts, LCM,SC, K.Fennig |
27 |
3. Nox, DC Taylor Made Nights Watch, LCM,BN,RN,MC,BCAT,CGC, C.& J.Landowski |
18 |
4. Xena, DC, UCh Azize's Warrior Princess of Mendocino, LCM,SC, T.& W.Olson |
9 |
N. Amy, Ch Ridgerunrs Sweeter Than Honey, FCh, R.Keller Jr/B.Schmidt |
SALUKI Judge: Jean Martin |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Cheers, Ch Aeolus Ring Of Fire, K.& D.Carlson/M.Grodey |
B8 |
2. George, GCh Aeolus Let 'Em Talk, K.& D.Carlson |
6 |
SINGLES Judge: Jean Martin |
Single Flight A(3) |
1. Rocket, Joy-Us Shoot For The Moon, TCP, J.Cook |
12 |
2. Ellie, Dakotah's Chantellie Lace, T.& L.Lemberger |
9 |
3. Arrow, FC Tammen's Can't Touch This, SC,RA, S.Cook/L.Gilchrist |
6 |
WHIPPET Judges: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz, Jean Martin |
Open Flight A(6) |
1. Ursula, Cogshall Bears Repeating, M.Huff/D.Duffert |
B24 |
2. Bender, Terrena's On A Bender At Noralor, SC,ARX,TRP, J.& K.Siehndel |
18 |
3. Roxie, Rusalka Dancing The Dream At Sheffield, SC, C.Halliday/J.Beach-Buda |
12 |
4. Marky, Terrena's Good Vibrations At Noralor, K.Siehndel/J.Siehndel |
6 |
N. Wyatt, Laurel White Royalton, H.Schultz |
Field Champion Flight A(3) |
1. Uschi, Cogshall's Going For Bearoque, FCh,TRP, M.Huff/D.Duffert |
F12 |
2. Leni, FC Shamasan I Carry Your Heart, LCM,ARX,DPCX,SC, C.Huzel |
9 |
3. June, Ch Affinity's Time's A Wastin, FCh, C.& A.Rogers/C.Juelfs |
6 |
No Best in Field |
BORZOI Judge: John Arvin |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Joe, GCh Hemlock Hollow Aruzia Journey To Tahoe, RN,BN, S.& K.Artley |
B8 |
2. Ace, Kirov Windrift Flying Ace O'Tahoe, SC, S.& A.Artley |
6 |
IBIZAN HOUND Judge: KC Artley |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Moby, Redfaire's Call Me Fishmael At Blue Note, H.Hamilton/S. & B.Reding |
B4 |
PHARAOH HOUND Judge: Jeffrey Leonard |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Neema, Faouziah's Isolde, A.& S.Hamilton |
B4 |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Najja, GCh Sharqiya Who Dares Wins, FCh,SC, A.Hamilton/E.Kerridge |
F4 |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judge: Jeffrey Leonard |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Rex, Glasscreek Xerxes, CGC, S.Jones/M.Hodges |
R8 |
2. Halley, Glasscreek's Cosmic Shift to Ashosi, D.Tresselt/M.Hodges |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(5) |
1. Jinx, Imarika's Fashionably Late, G.& P.Kytta II |
B20 |
2. Moshi, Imarika's Smokey Topaz, LCM, B.A.Dieckman |
15 |
3. Vera, GCh,DC Mystic Isle's Bugatti Veyron, LCM,MC, J.Arvin/S.Gayley |
10 |
4. Enzo, Mystic Isle's Ferrari Enzo, FCh, J.Arvin/S.Gayley |
5 |
N. Keeley, Ch Koda's Red Sky In The Morning, FCh,SC, M.Heberding/Caplinger/McDevitt |
Veteran Flight A(2) |
1. Voodoo, DC Highveld's Black Magic Of Imarika, LCM8,VFCh,MC,GRC,SOR,ORC, G.& P.Kytta II |
F8 |
2. Reese, FC Mystic Isle's Southern Cross, LCM3,VLCM2,MC,LCX3,CGC, J.Arvin |
6 |
SALUKI Judge: John Arvin |
Field Champion Flight A(2) |
1. Rapp, DC Windrush Protect And Serve, LCM3,SC,TCP, K.& J.Lipps |
F8 |
2. Athena, GCh,DC Windrush Athena Project, LCM,MC,NA, K. & J.Lipps |
6 |
Veteran Flight A(2) |
1. Venus, BII,GCh,DC Windrush Duodecuple Venus, LCM4,MC,LCX, K.& J.Lipps |
+B8 |
2. Mercury, BII,GCh,DC Windrush Duodecuple Mercury, LCM7,VFCh,MC,LCX, K.& J.Lipps |
6 |
SCOTTISH DEERHOUND Judge: Jeffrey Leonard |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Avery, Gayleward's Eynhallow, D.Habian |
B4 |
SINGLES Judge: KC Artley |
Single Flight A(3) |
1. Mopani, Sunkissed Hearts A Flutter N, P.Peters/Michaels/Mercer/Greene |
12 |
2. Dasheill, Sur-Ra Zaari Al Sahed, E.Christon |
9 |
3. Spock, El Riyah Azar Ramiel, E.Christol |
6 |
WHIPPET Judges: John Arvin, Jeffrey Leonard |
1. Apollo, Wildaire Wings Of Flight, S.& P.Bea |
B28 |
2. Levi, Nonstopp Blackfoot, K.Feldman |
21 |
3. Shilo, Vic's I Believe You'll Never Walk Alone, S.& P.Bea |
14 |
4. Seeker, Fallowfield Seeker of Leveretts, M. & R.Spurbeck |
7 |
N. Gavel, Saesi Everything You Say, M.Magee |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Cricket, Debmar Too Hot To Handle @ Emerald, FCh, Dr. A.Sowders/D.Bahm |
R4 |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Yoo Hoo Bunny, Do It Unbridled Spirit, FCh, S.& P.Bea/C.Byrum |
F4 |
BEST IN FIELD Judge: John Arvin |
RR Jinx, Imarika's Fashionably Late, G.& P.Kytta II |
BIF (78) |
WH Apollo, Wildaire Wings Of Flight, S.& P.Bea |
-76 |
BORZOI Judge: Jeffrey Leonard |
Open Flight A(3) |
1. Joe, GCh Hemlock Hollow Aruzia Journey To Tahoe, RN,BN, S.& K.Artley |
B12 |
2. Gwen, Windrift Like The Odds At Tahoe, S.& K C Artley |
9 |
3. Ace, Kirov Windrift Flying Ace O'Tahoe, SC, S.& A.Artley |
6 |
IBIZAN HOUND Judge: John Arvin |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Moby, Redfaire's Call Me Fishmael At Blue Note, H.Hamilton/S. & B.Reding |
B4 |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judge: Holly Hamilton |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Mopani, Sunkissed Hearts A Flutter N, P.Peters/Michaels/Mercer/Greene |
B20 |
2. Barbie, GCh Ashosi Midnight Rd, SC,CGC, D.Knoth |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(5) |
1. Jinx, Imarika's Fashionably Late, G.& P.Kytta II |
R20 |
2. Moshi, Imarika's Smokey Topaz, LCM, B.A.Dieckman |
15 |
3. Vera, GCh,DC Mystic Isle's Bugatti Veyron, LCM,MC, J.Arvin/S.Gayley |
10 |
4. Enzo, Mystic Isle's Ferrari Enzo, FCh, J.Arvin/S.Gayley |
5 |
N. Keeley, Ch Koda's Red Sky In The Morning, FCh,SC, M.Heberding/Caplinger/McDevitt |
Veteran Flight A(1, 1 NQ) |
SALUKI Judge: Holly Hamilton |
Field Champion Flight A(2) |
1. Rapp, DC Windrush Protect And Serve, LCM3,SC,TCP, K.& J.Lipps |
B8 |
2. Athena, GCh,DC Windrush Athena Project, LCM,MC,NA, K. & J.Lipps |
6 |
Veteran Flight A(2) |
1. Mercury, BII,GCh,DC Windrush Duodecuple Mercury, LCM7,VFCh,MC,LCX, K.& J.Lipps |
F8 |
2. Venus, BII,GCh,DC Windrush Duodecuple Venus, LCM4,MC,LCX, K.& J.Lipps |
6 |
SCOTTISH DEERHOUND Judge: Holly Hamilton |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Avery, Gayleward's Eynhallow, D.Habian |
B4 |
SINGLES Judge: Jeffrey Leonard |
Single Flight A(5, 1 NC) |
1. Getty Lee, Nonstopp Rush, BN, L.Ochoa/P.Reynolds |
16 |
2. Norah, Norah Of Muma, D.Habian |
12 |
3. Minnie, DS Minnie, R.Bowman |
8 |
4. Bree, Cyclonic Smooth Beretta, C.Perkins |
4 |
WHIPPET Judges: Holly Hamilton, Paul Kytta II |
Open Flight A(12, 1 NQ) |
1. Ocho, Bushbaby Hidden Button At Whippendor, CR, K.Riddle Carandang/P.Hudson |
B40 |
2. Marvel, Lookouit One Good Egg, C.Perkins/J.Stewart |
30 |
3. Story, Fallowfield The Silent Story, Dr.C.Brunkow |
20 |
4. Seeker, Fallowfield Seeker of Leveretts, M. & R.Spurbeck |
10 |
N. Gavel, Saesi Everything You Say, M.Magee |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Levi, Nonstopp Blackfoot, K.Feldman |
R4 |
Veteran Flight A(3) |
1. Lizzie, Lookout Nonstopp Leapin Lizard, FCh,ARX,CR, L.Ochoa/P.Reynolds |
R12 |
2. Ginny, FC Fallowfield Dreamin' Out Loud, LCM,SC, C.Brunkow DVM |
9 |
3. Zippy, KLH Zipporah, R.& M.Spurbeck |
6 |
No Best in Field |
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Katie Kaltenborn, Karen Rockwell |
Open Flight A(9, 2 NQ, 1 DIS) |
1. Roseanna, Mia-Bakhu Roseann Roseanna Danna For Kummiedja, Wille/Haig/Newman/Longlesson Knl |
+R36 |
2. Cayper, GCh,DC Bazinga Caspian The Crown Prince, CGC,SC, D.Kunard |
27 |
3. Lucy, Hallam Mia Lucy Lightfoot Al Bakhu, D.Carota/S.Sipperly/R.Newman |
18 |
4. Copper, Bazinga Copernicus The Stargazer, R.Phinney/G.Bednar |
9 |
N. Pippa, Ch Reedly Road Pure Taste For Hallam, SC, D.Carota/S.Sipperly |
DIS. Flint, Ch Damaranlor Fire Dancer, A.& J.Hammer/J.Gwin |
Field Champion Flight A(2) |
1. Precious, Churuka Mirare Le Diable Rouge, FCh, G.& B.Breitbach/T.Harper/L.Witt |
+B36 |
2. Nuri, GCh,DC Sendji's New Coat Of Paint, LCM,RN,VC,CGC,LCX,VC, Phinney/Guinn/Martin/Bednar |
6 |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Cayman, GChB,DC Mia's Bakhu Risky Business Of Hallam, LCM2,VFCh,MC,RN,HIC,LCX3, D.& M.Kunard |
R4 |
SINGLES Judge: Katie Kaltenborn |
Single Flight A(1) |
1. Harvey, Bazinga Baratheon Of Dragonstone, E.Arvinge |
4 |
No Best in Field |
GREYHOUND Judge: Jeff Lipps |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Seger, Lakilanni Turn The Page Story, L.Warden |
B4 |
SALUKI Judge: Judy Lowther |
Field Champion Flight A(4) |
1. Oonagh, FC Alshira Oonagh Fae Windrush, LCM2,SC, J.& K.Lipps |
F16 |
2. Ty, Ch Caristeda White Ty Style Windrush, FCh,SC, K.& J.Lipps |
12 |
3. Ranger, DC Windrush High Five, LCM5,TCP,SC, K.& J.Lipps |
8 |
4. Athena, GCh,DC Windrush Athena Project, LCM,MC,NA, K. & J.Lipps |
4 |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Mercury, BII,GCh,DC Windrush Duodecuple Mercury, LCM7,VFCh,MC,LCX, K.& J.Lipps |
B4 |
SINGLES Judge: Judy Lowther |
Single Flight A(3) |
1. Dusty, Shamasan Hound Hill Dusty Road At Labyrinth, L.Pirrung/P.Booth |
12 |
2. Carmen, Bizet's Habanera Of Ceasar, D.Fitzgerald |
9 |
3. Mina, Lunnaja Raduga Gzhel, D.Fitzgerald |
6 |
WHIPPET Judge: Jeff Lipps |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Tino, Windsong Magic White Lightening, L.Mitchell |
R8 |
2. Lily, Windsong Count My Lucky Stars, L.Anderson/C.Wright |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Bug, Labyrinth Jitterbug, FCh, L.Pirrung/D.McCann |
B8 |
No Best in Field |